Bloodborne Remake 팬의 꿈이자 먼 희망?

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC 출시를 둘러싼 열기 속에서 기다려온 Elden Ring가 공개되었지만, 다른 FromSoftware 게임인 Bloodborne은 여전히 팬들의 관심과 갈망을 사로잡고 있습니다. 그리고 오늘, 게임의 디렉터가 팬들의 뜨거운 요구에 드디어 대응하였습니다.


Miyazaki from FromSoftware comments on demand for Bloodborne remake on PS5. #GameTopic


While everyone has Elden Ring on the mind today with the official unveiling of the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, there’s another FromSoftware title that has fans still hungry for love: Bloodborne. And today, the game’s director finally acknowledged the overwhelming fan demand for a remake…though he stopped short of confirming or denying that one might ever materialize.

The Longing for a Bloodborne Remake

In GameTopic’s own interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki about the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, we asked Miyazaki about the possibility of a Bloodborne remake. But he deflected: “Unfortunately, and I’ve said this in other interviews, it’s not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically,” he said. “We simply don’t own the IP at FromSoftware. For me personally, it was a great project, and I have a lot of great memories for that game, but we’re not at liberty to speak to it.”

But Miyazaki shared a few more thoughts with Eurogamer, acknowledging it made him “very happy” to see so many fans passionate about Bloodborne, and suggesting the game would benefit from a release on more modern hardware.

Valuable Information: Miyazaki’s response hints at the possibility of a Bloodborne remake, but it’s clear that the decision ultimately lies with Sony, the current owner of the IP. While Miyazaki expresses his personal fondness for the game, he emphasizes that FromSoftware does not have the authority to speak on the matter.

🤔 Q&A: Will Sony ever allow a remake of Bloodborne?

  • Q: Is there any chance that FromSoftware will develop a Bloodborne remake?
  • A: According to Miyazaki, it’s ultimately up to Sony, who owns the Bloodborne IP. While he expresses his happiness at the fan enthusiasm, there are no promises or hints of any ongoing projects in the works.

The Power of Modern Hardware

“I think having new hardware is definitely a part of what gives these remakes value,” Miyazaki said. “Things you weren’t able to achieve on previous generations of hardware, ways you weren’t able to render specific expressions – [new hardware] sometimes makes it possible.

“However, I wouldn’t say that’s the be all and end all. I think purely from a user perspective, modern hardware also allows more players to appreciate all the games. And so, it ends up being a simple reason, but as a fellow player, I think that accessibility is important. I think that can be the driving force behind bringing an old game to a new platform.”

Valuable Information: Miyazaki highlights the significance of modern hardware in enhancing remakes. New technology allows developers to achieve things that were not possible on previous generations of consoles, resulting in games with enhanced visuals and rendering capabilities. Additionally, high-quality remakes can introduce old games to a wider audience, making them more accessible and enjoyable for all.

Sony’s Influence and Unlikely Possibilities

So that’s it. No promises, no hints of anything in the works, and to hear Miyazaki tell it, the decision isn’t even really up to FromSoftware – it’s entirely on Sony, who owns Bloodborne. In stark contrast, we recently learned that publisher Bandai Namco switched the ownership of its trademark on Elden Ring fully to FromSoftware, meaning the developer now has full control over what to do with that license. It seems highly unlikely Sony would ever do the same for Bloodborne, however.

Valuable Information: Sony’s ownership of the Bloodborne IP plays a significant role in whether a remake will happen. Miyazaki implies that FromSoftware’s lack of control and decision-making power makes the possibility uncertain. In comparison, the recent transfer of the Elden Ring trademark to FromSoftware gives them complete authority over the title’s future.

🤔 Q&A: Why is a Bloodborne remake unlikely?

  • Q: What are the chances of Bloodborne getting a remake?
  • A: Since Sony owns the IP, the decision ultimately lies with them. While Bandai Namco has relinquished control of Elden Ring to FromSoftware, it seems highly unlikely that Sony would do the same for Bloodborne.


팬의 재창조에 대한 절박함

Bloodborne 팬들은 몇 년 동안 재창조에 절박했습니다. 이 게임은 처음 출시됐을 때 9.1/10을 받았지만, 비판적인 찬사와 엄청난 판매 성공에도 불구하고 Bloodborne은 PlayStation 4 전용으로 남아 있었습니다. 별도의 PS5 버전도 없으며 PS5나 다른 콘솔에서도 사용할 수 없습니다. Demon’s Souls나 원래 Dark Souls와 같은 다른 FromSoftware 게임들이 각각 재창조와 여러 포트판을 받았는데, 희망은 계속되어 왔습니다. 현재, FromSoftware 팬들은 일단 에르드트리 그림자 DLC로 만족해야 할 것입니다.


소중한 정보: Bloodborne은 고도로 칭찬 받고 상업적으로 성공했지만, PlayStation 4에 한정되어 계속되었습니다. 팬들은 재창조나 더 현대적인 콘솔용 버전을 열렬히 기다리고 있습니다. 그러나 미야자키의 공식 발표나 표시가 없어서 팬들이 꿈을 이룰 때까지 기다려야 할 수도 있습니다.

🎮 이와 관련된 기사들을 확인해보세요: 1. 에르드트리 그림자 DLC의 공식 발표 2. FromSoftware의 Eurogamer와 함께한 Bloodborne 재창조에 대한 생각 3. 최근 발표된 엘덴 링 밴다이 남코 소유권 이전에 관한 소식 4. Bloodborne 팬들의 재창조 열망 5. 에르드트리 그림자 DLC에 대한 일루미나의 히데타카 미야자키와의 깊은 인터뷰

이 유익한 기사들과 인터뷰들은 Bloodborne 재창조에 대한 추측과 게임 감독 자신의 생각에 대한 추가적인 통찰을 제공할 것입니다.

Rebekah Valentine은 GameTopic의 고위 기자입니다. 이야기 팁이 있으십니까? [email protected]으로 보내주세요.

여러분 게이머 친구들! 잠재적인 Bloodborne 재창조에 대한 생각이 어떻습니까? 가능성에 흥분하시나요, 아니면 그냥 먼 장래의 꿈이라고 생각하시나요? 아래 댓글에서 토론해 보세요! 😄✨

이 기사를 소셜 미디어에서 친구들과 공유하여 그들도 대화에 참여할 수 있도록 잊지 마세요! 🙌📣
