엘덴 링 에드트리 그림자 – 조지 R. R. 마틴의 계속되는 영향

엘든 링 감독 미야자키 히데타카가 다가오는 에드트리 DLC에서 조지 R.R. 마틴의 참여를 밝힙니다.


Director of Elden Ring DLC comments on George R. R. Martin’s role

🎮🖊️ Hey gamers and lore enthusiasts, do I have some exciting news for you! FromSoftware, the brilliant minds behind the renowned Elden Ring, have confirmed that the upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, will once again feature the legendary lore created by none other than George R. R. Martin himself. 🤩 But hold your dragons, folks, because there’s more to this tale.

🌳📖 The original game, released in 2022 to widespread acclaim, already had Martin’s fingerprints all over its fascinating and immersive world. However, this time around, FromSoftware didn’t bring him back to work on the expansion specifically. Instead, they chose to delve into Martin’s existing lore that didn’t make it into the base game. Elden Ring Director Hidetaka Miyazaki clarified that the DLC is “not a brand new mythos” created by Martin, but rather a captivating untold story that FromSoftware felt compelled to explore in a new expansion. 📝✨

🔥📅 Now, brace yourselves because Shadow of the Erdtree finally has a release date! Mark your calendars for June 21, 2024, when this highly-anticipated DLC will grace your screens with its epic presence. 😎

George R. R. Martin’s Influence in Shadow of the Erdtree

🕹️ Elden Ring enthusiasts might be wondering just how much of Martin’s touch will be felt in Shadow of the Erdtree, given that he wasn’t actively involved in its development. Fear not, brave adventurers, for Miyazaki’s words suggest that Martin’s initials could still be scattered throughout the DLC like hidden treasures. Even though the author’s work on the game concluded back in 2019, his legacy and impact remain strong. 🖋️👑

“While Martin has not created something new which informed the design of the DLC, it’s simply another part of the original story that we thought fit to tell as a new expansion,” Miyazaki explained.

Unveiling the Long-Awaited DLC

📺🌌 Elden Ring fans rejoiced when Bandai Namco and FromSoftware dropped the latest trailer for Shadow of the Erdtree. This thrilling preview showcased menacing new enemies, breathtaking locations, and mesmerizing story tidbits from the expansion. And, of course, the moment we’ve all been waiting for—the announcement of the DLC’s release date. June 21, 2024, is the day we embark on another grand adventure in the Elden Ring universe. A journey that awaits players on both PC and consoles. 🚀🎮

📚🧙‍♂️ Reflecting the scope and magnitude of this expansion, FromSoftware has attributed the elongated development cycle to the fact that Shadow of the Erdtree is their largest piece of downloadable content to date. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the price tag will also match its grandeur, sitting at $39.99. But trust me, my fellow gamers, it’ll be worth every penny for the vast new wonders and challenges that lie ahead. 💰💪

🎁 Additional Content: Q&A Time!

To enrich your Elden Ring experience, let’s tackle some burning questions you might have:

Q: Will the DLC introduce new playable characters?

A: While the specifics haven’t been revealed, Shadow of the Erdtree is expected to bring fresh perspectives and potentially unlock new playable characters, expanding the already diverse roster in Elden Ring.

Q: Can we expect new weapons and gameplay mechanics?

A: Absolutely! FromSoftware has always been known for incorporating innovative gameplay elements and a wide array of weapons and tools. So get ready to discover new strategies and unleash devastating abilities in this DLC adventure.

Q: Will Shadow of the Erdtree offer a challenging new difficulty level?

A: As seasoned Soulsborne players know, difficulty is the name of the game. It’s highly likely that the DLC will bring forth new challenges and test your skills to the limit, offering a profound sense of accomplishment upon victory.


Q: Will George R. R. Martin collaborate on future Elden Ring games?

A: While Martin’s involvement in future Elden Ring installments has not been confirmed, the impact of his lore will continue to shape the franchise’s rich universe. So keep your eyes peeled for future announcements!

🌐 참고 자료:

🎮📰🖊️ 이것으로써 여러분들, 사랑받는 George R. R. Martin과 FromSoftware의 재능 있는 두뇌 간의 협업으로 이루어진 환상적인 이야기가 마무리되었습니다. 2024년 6월 21일까지 남은 날짜를 염두에 두며 기대가 되는 순간을 기다려봅시다. 이 날은 모든 Elden Ring 팬들의 마음에 새겨지게 될 것입니다. 아래 댓글에는 Erdtree 의 그림자에 대한 생각과 기대감을 공유하고, 게임 세계에 소식을 퍼뜨릴 것을 잊지 마세요. 함께 이 즐거운 모험을 떠납시다! 🌟🌍🔥

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