흥분도 상승 중 엘덴 링의 에르드트리 DLC 공개!

내려앉은 마음이여 일어나라 - 영화 예고편을 보실 준비가 되셨나요?


Read all about the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC trailer in our live coverage!

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Gather round, gamers! It’s time to get hyped up once again as we dive into the juicy details of the highly anticipated Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring. We’ve scoured the internet for all the delectable information, so buckle up as we take a wild ride through this dark and mysterious expansion.

The Release Date:

First things first, let’s talk about the release date. While FromSoftware has been playing coy, the internet has been buzzing with rumors. If you want to avoid any potential spoilers, I’d suggest steering clear of your usual online haunts until the official trailer drops. We know it’s tough, but trust me, the surprise will be worth it. 🤐

Epic DLC on the Horizon:

Now, let’s talk about the content itself. While the folks at FromSoftware have chosen to remain tight-lipped, fans of the developer can’t help but reassure us that the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC will be nothing short of epic. Just take a look at Dark Souls’ Artorias of the Abyss, Dark Souls 3’s The Ringed City, and Bloodborne’s phenomenal The Old Hunters. If these previous expansions are anything to go by, we’re in for a treat of colossal proportions! 🌟

Detective Work and Teases:

But how do we survive the agonizing wait for the DLC? Well, dedicated Elden Ring fans have taken matters into their own hands, doing some serious detective work. Examining the developer CV, which strangely indicates that Shadow of the Erdtree began development shortly after the release of the open-world RPG, has given us a glimmer of hope. Additionally, the recent update to Elden Ring’s DLC portion on Steam after a two-year silence has us all on the edge of our seats. The excitement is palpable! 🧐

Professional Gamers Rejoice:

For all the professional gamers out there who have mastered Elden Ring, this new content is a welcomed challenge. Some players have already taken on mind-boggling runs, like horse-only, bow-only (without arrows), and even mounted attacks only. Honestly, I was just happy to finish the game in one piece! 🎮

FromSoftware’s Unexplained Success:

If you’re wondering how FromSoftware manages to keep hitting the mark with their games, even they seem perplexed. Producer Yasuhiro Kitao has admitted to having “no idea why it’s selling so well.” But fear not, dear readers, because the team remains committed to making games their way, regardless of the sales figures. And that’s definitely a good thing in this industry. 🤔

The Countdown Begins:

Alright, everyone, get ready to shuffle in! The moment we’ve all been waiting for is almost here. The trailer is on its way, and the excitement is reaching its peak. Let’s grab our popcorn and get ready to be blown away! 🎬

Official Release Date:

And just as the leaked information hinted, Shadow of the Erdtree will grace our screens on June 21st. Yes, it’s still a few months away, but trust me, it will be worth every second of the wait. Mark your calendars, folks! 📅

The Price of Adventure:

If you’re already sold and can’t wait to jump into the DLC, let’s talk about the price. Shadow of the Erdtree will be available for $39.99/£34.99. Sure, it’s around two-thirds the price of the base game, but considering the epicness that awaits us, it’s a worthy investment. So, let’s loosen those purse strings and prepare for an unforgettable journey! 💸

Swamp를 피하십시오 (아마도):


그리고 기대감이 더는 강해질 수 없다고 생각했을 때, FromSoftware가 잠수 적지를 표시하는 스크린샷을 공개했습니다. 우리의 친구들아, 준비해라! 또 다른 위험한 지역을 정복할 준비를 하세요! 모험가 여러분, 행운을 빕니다! 🌿


Q: DLC에 새로운 무기나 갑옷이 포함될까요?

A: 아직 DLC 내용에 대한 구체적인 세부사항은 없지만, 새로운 무기 및 갑옷 세트가 제공될 것으로 확신할 수 있습니다. FromSoftware는 플레이어에게 매력적인 새로운 장비를 제공하는 능력이 뛰어나므로, 아스날을 업그레이드할 준비를 해야 합니다!

Q: Elden Ring DLC에 새로운 보스 전투가 기대됩니까?

A: 당연히 있습니다! FromSoftware는 도전적이고 기억에 남는 보스 전투로 유명하며, 그림자 에르드트리 DLC가 새로운 악몽 같은 생물을 소개할 것이 확실합니다. 호흡을 멈출 지경의 대격전을 준비하세요.

Q: DLC는 본 게임에 매끄럽게 통합될까요, 아니면 별도의 지역이 될까요?

A: 아직 공식적인 확인은 없지만, DLC가 Elden Ring 우주 내에서 자체 별도의 지역을 제공할 것으로 예상됩니다. FromSoftware는 복잡하고 연결된 세계를 만드는 데 능숙하므로, 새로운 발견 및 풀이할 지역을 제공하며 기존 게임에 매끄럽게 결합되는 DLC가 예상됩니다.


  1. Elden Ring: Release Date and Leaks
  2. FromSoftware의 화려한 DLC 유산
  3. Elden Ring – 그림자 에르드트리를 둘러싼 현상
  4. Elden Ring 마스터: 미친 도전 플레이
  5. FromSoftware의 성공과 미래

그림자 에르드트리 DLC를 기다리고 있는 우리만큼 당신도 기대가 되시나요? 아래 댓글에 귀하의 생각과 기대를 공유해 주세요! 동료 게이머들에게 소식을 전해 주는 것을 잊지 마세요. 우리는 6월 21일까지 기대감에 몸을 싣고 기차를 타고 가야 합니다! 🚂✨