유타 옥코츠 주술 귀전에서의 다음 고조?

4명의 특급 마법사 중 한 명인 유타는 종종 다음 세대의 고조와 비교된다. 그가 그 상위 위치에 어울릴 수 있을까?


Is Yuta the next Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen?

Jujutsu Kaisen, a popular manga and anime series, has always revolved around the concept of strength and the impact it has on the world. In the past, Sukuna held that title, followed by Gojo in modern times. But with Gojo’s demise, fans have been left wondering who will take his place as the strongest. While many contenders have emerged, there is one character who stands out as the best option to be the next Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen—Yuta Okkotsu.

Who Is Yuta Okkotsu?

Yuta Okkotsu is a character introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, the prequel to the main series. After witnessing the death of his childhood friend, Yuta becomes haunted by her vengeful spirit, leading to him isolating himself from others. However, this isolation grants him an immense amount of cursed energy, making him a Special Grade Sorcerer—automatically a formidable force among sorcerers.

Yuta’s journey begins at Tokyo Jujutsu High, where he fights and defeats Suguru Geto, another powerful Special Grade Sorcerer. After training and honing his skills abroad, Yuta returns to Tokyo to aid in ways that others cannot.

Does Yuta Match Gojo’s Strength?

Gojo was widely regarded as the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, seemingly unbeatable. However, Yuta possesses even higher Cursed Energy reserves than Gojo, showcasing incredible strength. In his battle against Sukuna, Yuta’s mastery of Cursed Energy and his overpowered Cursed Technique deal significant damage to the King of Curses.

Yuta’s repertoire of abilities further emphasizes his power:

Yuta’s Cursed Technique

Yuta’s inherent Cursed Technique, known as “Copy,” allows him to use and store the Cursed Techniques of other sorcerers. With his almost infinite pool of Cursed Energy, he can quickly copy and utilize these techniques, making him highly adaptable in combat.

Yuta’s Domain Expansion

Using Domain Expansions is a rare and advanced skill in the world of Jujutsu sorcery. Nevertheless, Yuta possesses the ability to create his Domain Expansion called “All-Encompassing Equivocal Love.” Inside this domain, a dilapidated battlefield filled with countless swords awaits. Each sword represents a Cursed Technique Yuta has copied, allowing him to wield various techniques during battle. Despite not knowing which technique he will acquire, Yuta can utilize them to their full potential. With the power to summon Rika, a Special Grade Vengeful Spirit, within the domain, Yuta’s Domain Expansion becomes one of the strongest in the series.

Rika’s Manifestation

Perhaps Yuta’s greatest strength lies in his ability to summon Rika, who possesses bottomless Cursed Energy and has knowledge of various techniques and Cursed Tools. With Rika’s assistance, Yuta gains access to a vast arsenal in battle, further solidifying his status as a formidable sorcerer.

Is Yuta The Next Gojo?

Aside from their unmatched strength, Yuta and Gojo share a common philosophy: the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak. This similarity, shaped by different life experiences, suggests Yuta as the potential successor to Gojo.

Moreover, Yuta’s ability to copy and use powerful techniques raises speculation that he may eventually acquire and utilize Gojo’s techniques. As distant relatives linked through their common ancestor, Michizane Sugawara, fans theorize that Yuta may inherit the unique techniques of the Gojo clan, possibly stored within Rika.

Ultimately, the future of Jujutsu Kaisen’s strongest sorcerer remains uncertain. Fans eagerly await what the series has in store for Yuta Okkotsu and how his story will unfold.

You can stream Jujutsu Kaisen on Crunchyroll and Amazon Prime.

Q&A Content

Q: How does Yuta Okkotsu’s cursed technique work? A: Yuta’s cursed technique, called “Copy,” allows him to use and store the cursed techniques of other sorcerers. With his abundant cursed energy, he can quickly copy these techniques and utilize them in battle. source


Q: 유타 옥코츠의 영역 확장은 무엇인가요? A: 유타의 영역 확장인 “모든 포괄적인 모호한 사랑”은 무수한 검이 가득 찬 파괴된 전투장을 만들어냅니다. 각 검은 유타가 복사한 저주 기술을 나타내며, 그로 인해 그는 전투 중에 다양한 기술에 접근할 수 있습니다. source

Q: 유타 옥코츠와 고조의 관계는 무엇인가요? A: 유타와 고조는 공통 조상 미치자네 스가와라 때문에 먼 친척입니다. 일부 팬들은 유타가 고조 속씨의 특별한 기술을 계승할 수도 있다고 추측합니다. source

참고 문헌

  1. 카시모: 고조의 잠재적인 후계자
  2. 스구루 게토와의 만남에서 인상적인 점
  3. 수쿠나의 기술과 유타의 복사
  4. 크런치롤에서의 주술 카이센
  5. 아마존 프라임에서의 주술 카이센

안녕하세요, 독자 여러분! 유타 옥코츠가 주술 카이센에서 다음 고조가 될 자질이 있는지 어떻게 생각하시나요? 이 감명적인 시리즈의 미래를 예측할 수 있는지 함께 토론해 봅시다! 🎮✨

이미지: 유타 주술 카이센

이미지: 고조 퍼플 할로 기술

이미지: 리카와 유타
