Prison Architect 2 출시일 연기 더 많은 버그와 최적화가 기다립니다!

패러독스 인터랙티브는 관리 시뮬레이션의 후속작인 '프리즌 아키텍트 2'의 출시를 두 달 연기한다고 발표했습니다...


Prison Architect 2 delayed to May

🎮 Paradox Interactive has recently announced a two-month delay for Prison Architect 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the popular 2015 management simulation game. Originally set to release on March 26th, the game will now launch on May 7th. According to Paradox, the delay is to give the developer, Double Eleven, extra time to identify more bugs and further optimize the game. We can’t have prisoners breaking out due to software glitches, can we?

🏰 Prison Architect 2, a game that was first introduced back in January, promises to bring a fresh take on the prison management formula, this time in full 3D. The sequel, which Paradox acquired the rights to from developer Introversion Software in 2019, aims to captivate players with its nifty multi-floor building system and a new connection system that influences the relationships between prisoners. It’s like playing SimCity, but with orange jumpsuits and less forgiving residents.

Prison Architect 2 Announcement Trailer Prison Architect 2 announcement trailer. Click to watch!

☝️ Unfortunately, eager fans will need to exercise their patience and wait a little longer to get their hands on this virtual penitentiary. Paradox’s decision to delay the release date stems from their desire to ensure a smoother experience for players from day one. It’s commendable that they’re taking the time to polish the game further, like a dedicated prison guard buffing his baton to a high-gloss shine.

In the words of Paradox Interactive, “Although sticking to the original launch date was an option, we feel that taking this additional time is necessary to ensure that we offer a smoother experience to our players from day one.”

📢 To keep fans engaged during the extra waiting time, Paradox will be launching a series of live streams showcasing the final stages of Prison Architect 2’s development. It’s like giving inmates a sneak peek into what their new cell blocks will look like. So make sure to keep an eye out for those streams starting in March!

💰 When Prison Architect 2 finally sees the light of day on May 7th, it will be available for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. The game will retail for £35/$40/€40. You know, they say crime doesn’t pay, but it certainly costs a pretty penny in the realm of virtual incarceration.

Now, let’s address some additional questions that you might have about Prison Architect 2:

🤔 Q&A About Prison Architect 2

Q: Can I still play the original Prison Architect while waiting for the sequel? A: Absolutely! The original Prison Architect is still available for play, and it’s a great way to acquaint yourself with the gameplay mechanics and get a taste of what the sequel might offer. Think of it as doing time in a minimum-security facility before getting transferred to a maximum-security prison.

Q: Will Prison Architect 2 improve upon the graphics of the original game? A: Yes! With Prison Architect 2 being developed in full 3D, you can expect a visual upgrade from its predecessor. The game aims to provide a more immersive and detailed experience, complete with multi-floor buildings and realistic environments. It’s like going from black-and-white CCTV footage to a high-definition blockbuster.

Q: Are there any specific features or improvements that have been mentioned for Prison Architect 2? A: Absolutely! The sequel aims to introduce a new connection system that will impact the relationships between prisoners, making it a more dynamic and realistic simulation. Additionally, the multi-floor building system will allow you to create multi-level prisons, adding a new layer of architectural challenge to the management gameplay. It’s like building a labyrinthine fortress for the world’s most cunning criminals.

Q: Will the delays in the release date affect the overall quality of Prison Architect 2? A: Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven are committed to delivering a high-quality gaming experience. The decision to delay the release date was made precisely to ensure that any bugs or issues are ironed out and the game is fully optimized before reaching players’ hands. So, while the wait may be a tad longer, it’s all in the interest of giving you the best prison management experience possible.


Q: Prison Architect 2에서 다른 플레이어와의 감옥 디자인을 공유할 수 있을까요? A: 절대로 가능합니다! Prison Architect 2는 다른 플레이어와의 감옥 디자인 공유를 허용하는 전통을 이어갈 것입니다. 활기찬 모딩 커뮤니티와 탐험할 크리에이티브하고 도전적인 감옥이 여러분을 기다립니다. 마치 현실 알카트라즈 어트랙션을 열고 방문객들에게 세심하게 디자인된 감옥 원더랜드를 오색으로 둘러보라는 것과 같습니다.

Prison Architect 2에서 무엇을 기대해야 하는지 이제 감이 오시나요? 5월 7일을 기억하시고 자체 가상 교정 시설을 건설하고 관리할 준비를 하세요!

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