발더스 게이트 3은 드래곤 에이지 오리진 리메이크를 위한 완벽한 청사진이다.

발더스 게이트 3은 드래곤 에이지 오리진 리메이크를 위한 완벽한 청사진이다.' The condensed version is '발더스 게이트 3은 드래곤 에이지 오리진 리메이크를 위한 완벽한 청사진이다.

바이오웨어는 Mass Effect 4와 Dragon Age: Dreadwolf에 대한 미래를 주시하고 있지만, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition은 그 과거가 얼마나 중요한지를 입증했습니다. 최근 발매된 Baldur’s Gate 3의 고득점 리뷰와 함께 Baldur’s Gate 1과 Baldur’s Gate 2와의 과거가 얼마나 중요한지 놀랍게도 알려졌습니다. 사실, 많은 사람들은 Baldur’s Gate/Mass Effect 3/strong>Dragon Age: Origins 시대가 바이오웨어를 주요 판타지 RPG 개발자로 선정한 것으로 여기며, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition의 성공은 그 과거가 아직도 많은 것을 제공한다는 것을 보여줍니다.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition 이전이었을 때부터 그 이후에도 일부 팬들은 BioWare에게 Dragon Age: Origins의 리메이크를 부탁해왔습니다. 그것은 흥미로운 시도일 것입니다. 많은 사람들은 Dragon Age: Origins의 소박한 성격이 그 매력을 부여하는 요소라고 주장할 수 있습니다. 그것은 공정한 주장입니다. 그러나 다른 사람들은 현재의 그래픽과 게임플레이를 불매요인으로 여길 수 있습니다. 특히 Dragon Age: Dreadwolf가 다가오고 있을 때, Dragon Age: Origins의 리메이크는 BioWare의 현재 평판을 높일 수 있는 많은 잠재력을 가지고 있으며, Baldur’s Gate 3는 이를 위한 완벽한 청사진입니다.

관련 기사: 언제 Dragon Age: Dreadwolf 뉴스를 기대할 수 있을까요?

Dragon Age: Origins – Legendary Edition

Ideally, BioWare could expand Dragon Age: Origins period of Ferelden with more quests and a transition to DnD 5E rules (at least in regard to D20 rolls, things like Advantage), but that would likely be expecting far too much. However, Baldur’s Gate 3’s use of camping, rests, and so forth could make great additions to a proper Dragon Age: Origins remake’s gameplay. Restricting abilities and whatnot in this way could make returning to camp and interacting with companions much more natural. In addition to that, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to adjust romance in Dragon Age: Origins to work more akin to Baldur’s Gate 3, as while it works fine enough, just showering companions in gifts for romance scenes is not as fun.

The biggest and perhaps best change would be moving Dragon Age: Origins to a proper turn-based gameplay style with the boundless area approach. While Dragon Age has featured tactical pauses, modes, and whatnot, most of the gameplay in the first one is just letting players act while proccing abilities. For some, it can come across as too railroaded outside the tactical mode, but adopting a full turn-based approach into the remake would retain all of the character but add even more strategy. Especially if things like Dash and Shove were incorporated. Graphics could be brought up to Baldur’s Gate 3 quality too, but gameplay is where a BG3-inspired Dragon Age: Origins remake could shine.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Could Be a Guiding Light for Future BioWare Games

Of course, the chances of this happening are super slim, and no matter how well done it was, some would not be happy with such major changes to Dragon Age: Origins. It would be a balancing act, that’s for sure. However, even in this is another potential lesson. Rumors indicate that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is a God of War-inspired action RPG, and while that has been scrutinized in theory, it’s worth noting that the gameplay of Dragon Age has never been consistent. The next game after it could easily adopt a turn-based DnD 5e approach, and no one would bat an eye.

Another possible option would be for BioWare (and EA) to pursue a Dungeons and Dragons property for another IP. After all, Baldur’s Gate and the Forgotten Realms are just one possible avenue for a tabletop based game. After Anthem, it’s been clear that BioWare is largely focused on its current IP (Mass Effect and Dragon Age), but there’s always an argument for new IP. It’s riskier than those household names, but if BioWare was going to risk another IP, using the Dungeons and Dragons brand name would definitely help cement it.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: Why Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s Companions Will Be Its Most Important Feature