Starfield의 Sebastian Banks 풀리기를 기다리는 미스터리

Starfield의 가장 현혹적인 미스터리 중 하나는 여전히 신비로운 Red Dead Redemption 2에서 비슷한 미해결 사례를 닮은 것 같다.


Sebastian Banks from Starfield is like Princess IKZ all over again.

Starfield, the highly anticipated space exploration game from Bethesda, has captivated players with its vast world and endless possibilities. As the release of the first DLC approaches, gamers are eagerly awaiting answers to some of the game’s biggest mysteries. One particular mystery in Starfield bears a striking resemblance to an unsolved case from Red Dead Redemption 2.

The Tale of Two Mysteries

In Red Dead Redemption 2, players stumble upon a missing person’s poster for Princess Isabeau Katharina Zinmeister. The game tantalizingly leaves this mystery unresolved, and despite years of speculation, the princess’s fate remains unknown. Similarly, Starfield introduces players to the enigmatic disappearance of Sebastian Banks, the founder of Constellation, an organization dedicated to exploring the unknown.

Sebastian Banks Remains A Mystery in Starfield

Sebastian Banks founded Constellation 55 years before the events of Starfield, establishing it as a central part of the game’s story. However, the story takes a puzzling turn when Banks embarks on a solo adventure and vanishes without a trace. Gamers have scoured every corner of Starfield, but there are no clear clues as to Banks’ whereabouts, heightening the intrigue surrounding his story.

Theories Surrounding His Disappearance

With the absence of concrete information about Banks, players have let their imaginations run wild. Numerous theories have sprung up, linking Banks to various elements within the game. Some speculate that Banks may be a Starborn, while others suggest he is the enigmatic leader of the mysterious House Va’ruun. These theories have fueled the community’s curiosity, as players desperately search for even the smallest shred of evidence.

Starfield DLC Could Hold Long-Awaited Answers

The upcoming Shattered Space DLC for Starfield may finally provide the answers that players have been yearning for. As the anticipation builds, fans have started speculating on how the DLC will address Banks’ story. Some believe that the lack of information surrounding his disappearance was intentional, and that Shattered Space will reveal the truth. In fact, there are rumors that the DLC will shed light on the mysteries surrounding House Va’ruun, potentially confirming the theory that Banks is its leader.

Until the release of Shattered Space, players can only rely on their own theories and interpretations of Sebastian Banks’ enigmatic fate. It’s been months since Starfield’s release, yet players are still discovering new secrets within its vast universe. Perhaps, hidden within the depths of the game, lies the key to uncovering the truth about Banks.Only time will tell.


Q1. Are there any other mysteries in Starfield, apart from Sebastian Banks’ disappearance?

A1. Absolutely! Starfield is filled with secrets and hidden details waiting to be uncovered. From ancient civilizations on forgotten planets to elusive space anomalies, there is no shortage of mysteries for players to delve into.

Q2. How many systems and planets are there to explore in Starfield?

A2. Starfield offers over 100 systems and a whopping 1,000 planets to explore. Each planet has its own unique characteristics and secrets, making the game a truly immersive experience.

Q3. Can players expect more DLCs in the future that will address other mysteries in Starfield?

A3. Bethesda is known for supporting their games with additional content, so it’s highly likely that more DLCs will be released for Starfield. Whether these future expansions will address other mysteries or introduce new ones remains to be seen.

References: 1. Red Dead Redemption 2 2. Starfield Official Website 3. Exploring Starfield: The Secrets Unveiled 4. Unraveling Starfield’s Mysteries: A Fan Perspective 5. What to Expect from Starfield’s Shattered Space DLC


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