최고의 7인 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 새 캐릭터

최종 판타지 7 리버스에 소개된 여러 새 캐릭터들, 원작 FF7에서 결석한 최고 캐릭터들과 만나다


7 Memorable Support Characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake has brought back the beloved main characters of the original game like Cloud and Barret, but what about the support characters? In this article, we will highlight some standout support characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and discuss their significance in the game. Get ready for some spoilers as we dive into the world of these memorable characters!

🎮 7. Broden – A Sickly Innkeeper

Broden in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Broden is the innkeeper of Kalm, a small town that previously had little GameTopicificance in the original game. However, in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, both the town and Broden have undergone a transformation. Broden used to work for Shinra, but after falling ill, he retired to Kalm. However, Shinra continues to cause trouble for him, leading him to join the rebels and aid Cloud and his party in escaping the siege on Kalm. Players have the opportunity to get to know Broden better through various quests. His resemblance to Vincent Valentine, one of the original party members, is a nice nod to the past.

🎮 6. Captain Titov – I Have A Specific Set Of Boating Skills

Captain Titov in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Captain Titov is the captain of the Shinra-8, a cruise ship docked in Junon. He is a unique character with a distinct voice, which surprisingly sounds like a Liam Neeson impression. Regardless of the voice, Captain Titov’s infectious enthusiasm shines through as he makes announcements during the Queen’s Blood tournament. One of the highlights of this arc is the nameless crewman who dons Cloud merchandise if players are victorious. Immerse yourself in the world of this odd but entertaining character.

🎮 5. Cissnei – Turks Never Die

Cissnei in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cissnei is not an original character in the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trilogy, but she did not appear in the original game. Western fans may recognize her from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7, where she played a supporting role. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, fans finally receive closure on what happened to her after the events of the prequels. Cissnei is now safe and thriving in the reformed city of Gongaga, which plays a more active role in the story. With the addition of Cissnei, fans can hope for the return of more old Turks in future installments.

🎮 4. Kyrie – I Can Be A Merc Too

Kyrie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Kyrie, a character who looks like she belongs in The World Ends With You, makes her first appearance in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. However, her role expands in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. From being a rabble-rouser in the Sector 5 Slums of Midgar, Kyrie becomes a mercenary for hire. Engage with her in various quests, from helping with pipe repairs to witnessing her attempt to set up a mercenary shop on the outskirts of Junon. Though some might find her annoying, her lack of common sense adds a fun dynamic to her character.


🎮 3. Regina – The Queen of Queen’s Blood

Regina in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Regina is a self-proclaimed champion in the sport of Queen’s Blood. Players will encounter her on the Shinra-8 cruise liner en route to Costa del Sol. Regina may initially come across as overly confident, especially after losing a card tournament on the ship, but as players interact with her more, her humility shines through. She eventually sees Cloud as her equal, making for an interesting character development. Like Kyrie, Regina’s appearance, designed by Tetsuya Nomura, resembles a classic Nomura character.

🎮 2. Roche – Time To Rev Up The Engines

Roche in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Roche, a charismatic member of SOLDIER, is a standout character in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Unlike in the original game, where Cloud only interacted with Sephiroth, the inclusion of Roche helps flesh out the Shinra hierarchy. From a thrilling fight in the game to a mini-game in Yuffie’s DLC, Roche’s presence adds excitement to the story. His flashy motorcycle antics and desire for intense battles with Cloud make him an unforgettable character. However, without giving away spoilers, it’s worth mentioning that Roche’s character development takes an unexpected turn by the end.

🎮 1. Shinra 7th Infantry – Sir, Yes Sir!

Playing the Shinra Parade mini-game in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Instead of focusing on a singular character, let’s highlight the Shinra 7th Infantry, a group within Shinra that plays a memorable role. Lead by Cloud in the Junon parade mini-game, these soldiers showcase unwavering loyalty to Cloud simply because he claims to be their captain. Their humorous interactions with Cloud, such as asking if he found everything he needed in a store, add a lighthearted touch to the game. Witnessing their dedication through the escape sequence further solidifies their GameTopicificance. Perhaps, the Shinra 7th Infantry deserves a spinoff tactical game for fans to enjoy their unwavering loyalty.

🌐 References:


Q1: Are there any other support characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? A1: While these are the standout support characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, there are other memorable characters worth mentioning. Some honorable mentions include Leslie Kyle, Johnny, and Marle, each with their own unique roles and contributions to the story.

Q2: 미래의 설치물에서 오래된 터크 사제들을 더 많이 볼 수 있을까요? A2: 파이널 판타지 7 리버스에 시스네이가 포함되면서, 팬들은 더 많은 오래된 터크 사제들이 다가올 설치물에서 돌아오길 희망할 수 있습니다. 익숙한 얼굴들을 보고 그들의 여정에 대해 더 알아가는 것은 언제나 흥미로운 일입니다.

Q3: 로슈 캐릭터의 성장이 예기치 않은 이유는 무엇인가요? A3: 게임의 끝쪽에 로슈 캐릭터가 예상치 못한 방향으로 전개되는데, 이는 일부 팬들이 실망스러워할 수도 있습니다. 화려하고 매력적인 캐릭터로 시작하더라도, 그의 이야기는 플레이어에게 혼란스러운 감정을 남길 수 있습니다.

Q4: 신라 7번군 사단은 게임에서 다른 모습을 보여줄까요? A4: 신라 7번군 사단은 준온 퍼레이드 미니게임에서 가장 기억에 남는 등장을 합니다. 그러나 플레이어들은 10개의 부대를 찾을 수 있는 옵션을 가지고 있으며, 이는 추가 보상과 부대 옵션을 제공합니다.

파이널 판타지 7 리버스에서 이 멋진 서포트 캐릭터들을 놓치지 마세요! 게임에서 가장 좋아하는 순간과 캐릭터를 공유해주세요. 자, 함께 게임 커뮤니티를 활기차고 번성하게 유지합시다! 🎮✨

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