에픽 게임 스토어의 iOS 출시가 애플이 개발자 계정을 종료한 후 중단됐다.

이번에는 '에픽 게임스토어'의 EU 버전을 iOS에서 출시할 계획이, 애플이 개발 계약을 중단하여 보류된 상태입니다.


Apple blocks Epic’s EU game store and Fortnite iOS plans by banning developer account.

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Epic Games’ plans to launch its Epic Games Store on iOS in the EU have hit a major roadblock. Apple has terminated Epic’s developer account, citing the company as “verifiably untrustworthy.” This development not only affects the release of the Epic Games Store on iOS but also impacts the much-anticipated return of Fortnite to the platform.

Earlier this year, Epic announced its intentions to launch an iOS version of its store in Europe, following Apple’s confirmation that it would comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act. This act requires Apple to allow sideloading and alternate marketplaces on its devices. Epic’s CEO, Tim Sweeney, voiced his discontent with Apple’s implementation of the rules, calling it “hot garbage” on social media. However, Epic later obtained an Apple Developer Account and confirmed its plans to launch the Epic Games Store on iOS.

Unfortunately, Apple has now terminated Epic’s developer account for its subsidiary, Epic Games Sweden AB, effectively halting the development of an iOS store. This move by Apple is seen by Epic as a serious violation of the Digital Markets Act and indicative of Apple’s reluctance to allow true competition on iOS devices.

The correspondence between Apple and Epic, shared as part of today’s announcement, provides insight into the termination of the developer account. Apple’s Phil Schiller reached out to Tim Sweeney, asking for written assurances that Epic was “acting in good faith” before approving the developer account. Schiller also referenced Sweeney’s colorful social media comments and highlighted Epic’s history of breaking agreements with Apple. Epic infamously bypassed Apple’s mandated App Store fees in 2020 by enabling direct in-game payments in Fortnite. This led to Fortnite’s removal from the App Store and instigated a lengthy legal battle between the two companies.

In response to Schiller’s request, Sweeney assured Apple that Epic would comply with all current and future agreements. However, Apple’s legal team deemed Sweeney’s response “wholly insufficient and not credible,” calling Epic “verifiably untrustworthy” based on their past actions.

Epic’s public response to Apple’s decision emphasized the implications of terminating their developer account. Epics states, “Apple is taking out one of the largest potential competitors to the Apple App Store. They are undermining our ability to be a viable competitor and showing other developers what happens when you try to compete with or criticize their unfair practices.” Epic warns that if Apple maintains the power to unilaterally remove third-party marketplaces from iOS, no reasonable developer would risk utilizing such marketplaces.

In conclusion, the launch of the Epic Games Store on iOS and the return of Fortnite to the platform are unlikely to happen anytime soon. However, Fortnite remains available on iOS via Xbox Cloud Gaming. Epic’s legal battles with Apple are far from over, as they continue to challenge Apple’s policies and seek fair competition in the app marketplace.

Q&A: Addressing Reader Concerns

Q: How does Apple’s termination of Epic’s developer account impact users who play Fortnite on iOS?

A: As a result of this termination, iOS users will not have access to the Epic Games Store or be able to play Fortnite on their devices. However, Fortnite can still be accessed on iOS through Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Q: What were the specific reasons behind Apple’s termination of Epic’s developer account?

A: Apple terminated the account due to their belief that Epic Games is “verifiably untrustworthy.” This belief stems from Epic’s previous actions, such as bypassing Apple’s App Store fees in Fortnite and engaging in a prolonged legal battle with the company.

Q: How does this impact the competition in the app marketplace?

A: The termination of Epic’s developer account highlights Apple’s power to control third-party marketplaces on iOS. Epic argues that this hinders competition and dissuades developers from utilizing alternate app stores, as they fear permanent separation from their audience due to Apple’s discretionary power.

Q: What are the potential implications of this incident for other developers?


A: 이 사건은 다른 개발자들을 막아 애플에 도전하거나 그 정책을 비판하는 것이 어려워질 수 있는 전례를 제시한다. 이것은 애플과 경쟁하는 결과를 보여주며 앱 시장에서 공정하고 열린 경쟁을 원하는 개발자들에게 잠재적인 장애요소를 강조한다.

Q: 에픽 게임 스토어에 접근하려는 iOS 사용자들을 위한 대안은 있습니까?

A: 현재 iOS 사용자들이 에픽 게임 스토어에 접근할 대체 옵션이 없습니다. 그러나 사용자들은 iOS 기기에서 Xbox Cloud Gaming을 통해 포트나이트를 즐길 수 있습니다.

