발두르스 게이트 3에서 올페우스를 석방해야 할까요? 🎮💥

발더의 게이트 3에서 오페우스를 해제 또는 가두는 것은 심각한 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다.


Baldur’s Gate 3 Free Orpheus or Side with the Emperor?

📸 Original Image Source: Baldur’s Gate 3 – The Emperor

Among the many decisions players will be forced to make throughout their Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign, the one near the end of the story is arguably the most important. With the fate of the world at stake, players will have to choose between setting the imprisoned Gith Prince Orpheus free or leaving The Emperor to handle the situation himself.

After grabbing the Orphic Hammer in the House of Hope, Baldur’s Gate 3 players will get the opportunity to shatter Orpheus’ shackles. However, this may not be the best thing to do, as it can drastically affect the party’s own destiny. Here are the possible outcomes for this scenario.

📅 Updated on February 29, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: In addition to all the tough decisions players must make, they also need to defeat Ketheric Throm, Lord Enver Gortash, and Orin before they can decide Orpheus’ destiny. To achieve this, players have to thoroughly explore both the upper and the lower districts of Baldur’s Gate, locating each of the three “chosen ones” and slaughtering them individually. Moreover, the decision holds a significant weight, as some Baldur’s Gate 3 companions may choose to sacrifice themselves for the greater cause. To alter their opinions and make them stick around before and after facing the Netherbrain’s battle, players must be well-prepared, as certain interactions require a roll of 30.

Spoiler Alert! 🚨

The Emperor’s Warning

This is a tough decision to make, and it’ll depend on what players want out of their playthrough. At the start of Act 3, the Emperor will tell players that keeping Orpheus contained is the only thing preventing the party from turning into Illithids. Naturally, if Orpheus is freed, one or all the members of the party may be doomed to become Mind Flayers.

After failing to beat the Netherbrain, the Emperor will teleport the party inside the Astral Prism. Here, they will be presented with a choice: do they free Orpheus, or do they let the Emperor assimilate the Gith Prince to exploit his power?

Siding with the Emperor

Siding with the Emperor spells the end for Orpheus, as he absorbs all his brain’s knowledge. Lae’zel and Karlach might not appreciate this as his survival is tied directly to their personal quests. This will give the party the advantage they need to beat the Netherbrain, but it might not be the most appealing outcome to the fans of these characters.

Freeing Orpheus and the Consequences

On the other hand, freeing Orpheus will cause the Emperor to side with the Netherbrain in Baldur’s Gate 3. Also, as mentioned earlier, at least one of the party members may be doomed to become a Mind Flayer, which is counter-intuitive to the reason they got together in the first place. However, Orpheus will join the fight against the Netherbrain alongside the rest of the Githyanki in the encounter, if you ask the Gith Prince to turn into the Mind Flayer in their stead, he won’t hesitate to save his people.

To summarize, players should side with the Emperor if they don’t want to become Mind Flayers, and they should free Orpheus if they don’t mind risking having tentacles on them or their companions. The former may cause Lae’zel to turn against the player, and it will force Karlach to return to Avernus, so her Infernal Engine doesn’t cause any more problems. Either way, it’ll be up to the players to decide which outcome suits them more.

🎉💭 Q&A:

Q: What are the other tough decisions players need to make in Baldur’s Gate 3?
A: In Baldur’s Gate 3, players are faced with numerous difficult decisions throughout the game. Some of these include choosing which quests to prioritize, deciding who to trust and ally with, determining the fate of certain characters, and making moral choices that directly impact the storyline and relationships with other NPCs.


Q: 플레이어들은 발둘의 관문 3 동료들의 의견을 어떻게 변경할 수 있나요?
A: 발둘의 관문 3 동료들의 의견을 변경하려면, 플레이어들은 의견과 동기에 부합하는 의미 있는 상호작용을하고 퀘스트를 완수해야합니다. 또한, 신뢰, 충성심, 그리고 자비를 나타내는 선택을 하는 것은 관계를 강화하고 이 동료 캐릭터들에게 영향을 미쳐 주변을 돌며 플레이어의 목적을 지원하게 만들 수 있습니다.

Q: 발둘의 관문 3에서 네더브레인과 편을 든다면 어떤 결과가 있을까요?
A: 발둘의 관문 3에서 네더브레인과 편을 든다면 다양한 결과가 생길 것입니다. 이는 황제가 오르피우스의 지식을 흡수하게 되어 일부 동료 사이에 불화를 일으키고 그들의 개인적인 퀘스트에 영향을 미칠 것입니다. 또한 네더브레인과 조우의 결합된 힘과 맞서야 하는 경우가 생겨 만남이 훨씬 어려워질 수 있습니다.

Q: 발둘의 관문 3의 종료에는 대체 가능한 결과가 있을까요?
A: 네, 발둘의 관문 3의 종료에는 대체 가능한 결과가 있습니다. 오르피우스의 운명과 파티가 머인드 플레이어로 변신하는 것은 오르피우스의 구출 또는 지원을 선택하는 플레이어의 선택에 달려 있습니다. 또한, 특정 퀘스트의 완수, 동맹의 수립, 그리고 동료와의 관계 관리 등을 통해 한 편의 이야기 전체 결과에도 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
