스플래툰 3의 다음 스플래페스트 최애 악기로 슈퍼 해달을 위한 배틀

닌텐도는 《스플래툰 3》을 위한 다음 스플래페스트를 발표했습니다. 지난 이벤트와 마찬가지로, 이번 대회에서는 팀들이 격렬한 터프 전쟁을 벌일 수 있게 될 것입니다. 이 대회는 3월에 열릴 예정입니다.


Splatoon 3 Splatfest for March 2024 Announced

🎉 Calling all Splatoon 3 fans! Nintendo has just announced the next Splatfest event, and it’s going to rock your socks off 🤘. From March 22 to March 24, players will have the chance to dive into the ultimate battle for Super Sea Snails, but this time, it’s all about the music.

Choose Your Weapon: Drums, Guitar, or Keyboard

In the Americas region, Splatoon 3’s March Splatfest will revolve around an instrument-based theme 🎵. Are you all about the beat, the power of the guitar, or the melodic keys? It’s time to make a choice and join your fellow musicians in this epic showdown.

What Are Splatfests?

Just in case you’re not familiar with Splatfests, let me explain. Splatfests are limited-time events in Splatoon 3 where players join teams and compete in Turf Wars to earn points for their side. At the end of the event, all participants receive Super Sea Snails as a reward. However, the winning team will receive even more of these precious mollusks 🐚.

A Battle of Rhythm and Skill

Splatoon 3’s next Splatfest will kick off on March 22 at 5 pm PT and run until March 24 at 5 pm PT. During this time, you’ll have the opportunity to join the drummers, guitarists, or keyboardists and fight for glory. Which instrument will reign supreme? Only time will tell.

Splatoon 3 Goes Global

While the instrument-based theme applies to the Americas region, the Japanese region is taking a different route. Their next Splatfest revolves around a more controversial topic: potato chips 🍟. Japanese players will need to decide which flavor they prefer. It’s safe to say Splatoon 3’s global reach knows no bounds!

Splatoon 3’s Ever-Growing Popularity

Splatoon 3 continues to capture the hearts of fans around the world. The game’s Splatfests are an integral part of its success, bringing together players from different regions to compete and have a blast. In fact, the announcement of the Japanese Splatfest garnered an astounding 1.2 million views on Twitter, which is a clear testament to the game’s popularity in that region 🌟.

A Sprinkle of Freshness

In case you missed it, Splatoon 3’s last update on February 21 breathed new life into the game. Update 7.0.0 introduced support for the Side Order DLC, bringing exciting new ways to adjust your gear. On top of that, the update added a plethora of content that will go live on March 1. Get ready for new main weapons, sets of weapons with different combinations of sub and special weapons, a fresh battle stage, a new Salmon Run stage, and a whopping 20 new Tableturf Battle cards. Plus, daily rotations in the shops will bring over 150 gear pieces from Splatoon 2 to Splatoon 3 throughout Fresh Season 2024 and beyond.

Splatoon 3: Nintendo’s Masterpiece

With its entertaining gameplay and Nintendo’s continuous support, Splatoon 3 has secured its place as one of the Switch’s best first-party titles. Whether you’re a dedicated musician battling it out in the Splatfest or simply enjoying all the ink-splattering action, this game is a must-have for any Splatoon fan.

So mark your calendars, gather your squid squad, and get ready to rock your way to victory in Splatoon 3’s next Splatfest. Let’s show the world the power of our favorite instruments! 🎸🥁🎹


Q: Can I participate in the Splatfest if I don’t have Splatoon 3?

A: Unfortunately, Splatfests are exclusive events within Splatoon 3, so you’ll need the game to join the fun. But hey, it’s never too late to jump into the ink-filled battlefield!


Q: Super Sea Snails은 미용 목적으로만 사용됩니까?

A: Super Sea Snails은 정말로 당신의 장비에서 능력을 재구성할 수 있는 미용 아이템입니다. 하지만 그 가치를 과소평가하지 마세요! 완벽한 장비 설정은 전투에서 실질적인 차이를 만들 수 있습니다.

Q: 승리한 팀에게 독점 보상이 있을까요?

A: 절대로 있습니다! Splatfest에서 승리한 팀은 다른 팀보다 더 많은 양의 Super Sea Snails을 받게 됩니다. 그래서 열심히 싸워서 추가 상품을 획득하세요!

참고 자료:

이제 여러분의 차례입니다, 소중한 독자 여러분! 당신의 최애 악기를 가져와서 Splatoon 3의 다가오는 Splatfest에 참여할 준비가 되셨나요? 아래 댓글에서 알려주시고 함께 기대감을 공유하세요! 그리고 이 기사에 대한 사랑을 보여주기 위해 소셜 미디어에서 공유하는 거 잊지 마세요. 재미와 먹이 싸는 열광을 퍼트리는 거죠! 🐙💦🎉
