윤년 날 문제 게임 버그와 간단한 해결책! 😱🎮

윤년이 도착했고 일부 게임들은 평소 기대했던 달력의 예상과 달라서 기분이 상하지 않습니다.


WRC and the latest Theatrhythm are not working because it’s a leap day.

It’s time to leap into action, fellow gamers, as the dreaded Leap Day has thrown a wrench into the gaming world! As if we didn’t have enough challenges to face in our virtual adventures, now we have to deal with games that are refusing to function properly on this special extra day. But fear not, for there is a simple workaround that will save the day and keep you gaming like a pro! 💪🕹️

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line: Rhythm Ruckus! 🎵

Imagine this: you’re an avid Theatrhythm Final Bar Line player, ready to tap your way through the harmonious world of Final Fantasy. Everything seems fine until the clock strikes midnight, and suddenly, the game refuses to connect to Square Enix’s servers. It’s like the world of rhythm has collapsed! 🎶😱

EA Sports WRC: Rally Trouble! 🏎️

But wait, there’s more! EA Sports WRC, the rally racing game by Codemasters, is also throwing a fit on this elusive Leap Day. Players have reported that the game crashes on startup, leaving them stranded at the starting line. Is this some kind of prank? Or has Leap Day turned against us all? 🚗💥

Leap Year’s Accomplice: The Console Crashers! 📅💥

As players cry out in frustration, both Square Enix and EA have acknowledged the issues through social media and support channels. While they haven’t directly blamed Leap Day for these problems, it’s clear that this extra day has caused some serious console chaos! But fear not, brave gamers, for there is a light at the end of this glitchy tunnel. 🌟✨

The Workaround: Time Traveling to Gaming Success! ⏰✈️

Fear not, brave adventurers! The solution to these Leap Day woes is surprisingly simple. All you need to do is manually adjust your system’s clock forward to the 1st of March. Yes, it’s as easy as that! So, if you find yourself tangled in Theatrhythm Final Bar Line’s server issues or trapped in the crash-filled world of EA Sports WRC, just hop over to your console’s settings and perform the Resetti Manoeuvre. 💡🔄

Q&A: Your Burning Questions About Leap Day Gaming Glitches! 🤔❓

Q: Will Square Enix and EA fix these issues to prevent a repeat next time? A: While we can’t peer into the future and predict what Square Enix and EA have in store, we can hope that they’ll learn from this Leap Day debacle and ensure smooth gaming experiences in the future.

Q: Are there any other games affected by Leap Day glitches? A: As of now, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line and EA Sports WRC are the main culprits. However, if any other games decide to join the Leap Day rebellion, we’ll keep you informed!

Q: Can I still enjoy my other games on Leap Day? A: Absolutely! Unless a game specifically declares its disdain for this extra day, you should be able to continue your gaming escapades without any issues. Leap Day may be causing chaos, but it hasn’t taken over the entire gaming realm… yet.

Q: Are there any other fun ways to celebrate Leap Day as a gamer? A: How about organizing a gaming marathon with your friends, complete with special Leap Day challenges and themed snacks? It’s the perfect way to make the most out of this extra day!

Leap Day Disaster Averted! 🎉🎊

So there you have it, fellow gamers! Thanks to the powers of time manipulation (or simply adjusting your console’s clock), you can now triumph over the Leap Day gaming glitches. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line and EA Sports WRC shall be defeated, and you can continue your gaming adventures without fear of calendar catastrophes. Now, go forth and conquer, my friends! And remember to share this article with your fellow gamers to save them from the Leap Day gaming abyss. 👊🎮


📚 참고 자료:

  1. EA 스포츠 WRC 트위터 공지
  2. Square Enix Theatrhythm 이슈 확인
  3. EA 스포츠 WRC Xbox 시계 조절 방법
  4. EA 스포츠 WRC PlayStation 시계 조절 방법
  5. Van Halen – Jump (공식 뮤직 비디오)
