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Last Epoch Monolith Of Fate Guide

Last Epoch, an action role-playing game (ARPG), offers a thrilling endgame activity called the Monolith of Fate. This series of interwoven dungeons, connected by the strings of time itself, presents players with exciting challenges and enticing rewards. Are you ready to conquer the Monolith and uncover its secrets? Let’s dive in!

How To Unlock Monoliths Of Fate

The Monolith of Fate becomes accessible after completing Last Epoch’s campaign. Once you reach the end of the campaign, you will unlock the “Monolith of Fate” side quest. To begin your journey, head to the hub town and speak to the Forgotten Knight. They will provide a brief explanation of how the Monolith works. When you’re ready, venture to the eastern edge of town to access the Monolith dungeon timelines.

You can also access the Monolith of Fate at any time from your map. Simply locate the “End of Time” timeline, and you’ll find all the unlocked timelines waiting for you.

Once inside the Monolith area, approach each timeline crystal and interact with it. This will initiate a Monolith run and generate a web of dungeons for you to explore. You’ll always start at the center of this web, and your goal is to push as far to the edge as possible. Be warned, though, the further you go, the more challenging the modifiers will become. But fear not, for the greater the risk, the greater the loot!

🔑 Unlocking Timelines

The Monolith of Fate is divided into ten timelines, each offering its own unique challenges and rewards. The Fall of the Outcasts timeline is unlocked by default for all players. By conquering this timeline, you will gain access to additional timelines within the Monolith of Fate. Keep clearing new timelines, and eventually, you’ll unlock the final trio of timelines: The Age of Winter, Spirits of Fire, and The Last Ruin.

Echo Modifiers: Unleashing the Power Within

When you first enter a Monolith, you’ll encounter a web of islands, each adorned with a reward icon. These islands are known as Echoes, which act as miniature dungeons that guarantee specific types of rewards. Hovering over an Echo will reveal its various modifiers on the bottom-right of your screen.

🐉 Monster Modifiers

Beware, brave adventurer, for the monsters lurking within each dungeon possess their own buffs and enhancements. The further you venture from the center of the web, the more challenging these modifiers become. Some modifiers persist across multiple Echoes and can even impact boss fights!

💪 Player Modifiers

Not only do monsters receive buffs, but you, the player, can also enjoy certain advantages. Echo modifiers can grant you multipliers to your XP gains and item rarity, allowing for a more rewarding journey.

🎁 Echo Rewards

As you explore the Monolith and conquer Echoes, guaranteed rewards eagerly await you. These rewards include crafting materials and even Exalted items, which are highly sought after for their power and rarity.

Once you engage with an Echo, a main objective will present itself. Take your time, as these objectives are not timed. Once you complete the task at hand, a portal will open, granting you access to your well-earned Echo rewards. Claim your spoils and return to the Monolith to choose your next Echo, pushing further towards greatness.

Stability Explained: Unleash the Power of Quest Echoes

With each Echo you clear in the Monolith, your current timeline’s stability increases. Stability is an important element that allows you to unlock Quest Echoes within that timeline. Each timeline offers three Quest Echoes, with the first two acting as prerequisites to unlocking the timeline’s boss fight. The third Quest Echo will always put you face to face with a fearsome boss.

To earn stability, you must slay enemies in Echoes and complete Echo objectives. Monsters provide the primary source of stability, so be sure to eliminate any lurking foes along your path. Remember, the further your Echo is from the center of the Monolith map, the more stability you’ll earn.

🤔 Should You Farm Stability?


If you seek valuable boss loot, farming stability is a wise choice. However, if you have your sights set on specific Echo rewards, focusing on fulfilling the bonus objective is ideal. Choose your path wisely, and let the spoils of victory be yours!

💫 Blessings: A Timeline’s Gift

Defeating a boss within a timeline grants you access to that timeline’s Blessing. Blessings are passive bonuses that provide ongoing benefits to your character, similar to your character’s passive tree. Upon defeating a boss, you will be randomly presented with 3-5 blessings, based on the timeline’s Corruption value (explained later in this guide). You can only be affected by one Blessing per timeline, up to a maximum of ten Blessings in total.

Empowered Monoliths: The Ultimate Test of Skill

Once you vanquish the bosses in the last three timelines—The Age of Winter, Spirits of Fire, and The Last Ruin—you will unlock the ability to embark on your most challenging adventure yet: Empowered Monoliths. To activate an Empowered Monolith run, interact with a timeline Monolith in the End of Time and select the “Legendary” difficulty option.

Empowered Monoliths ramp up the difficulty significantly. Enemies are set to level 100, and all Echo modifiers, including XP and item rarity bonuses, are increased. This variant offers a new gameplay loop that mirrors its non-empowered counterpart. Clear Echoes, build stability, fight powerful bosses, and unlock even greater rewards. Keep in mind, however, that the Void’s Corruption becomes more pervasive the further you venture from the center.

Certain unique items and Set items can only be found in Empowered Monoliths. To discover the precise drop tables, visit LastEpochTools.

Corruption: Embrace the Dark Side

Corruption is a modifier that affects both player rewards and monster power. Each stack of Corruption increases the HP and damage of monsters but also enhances your XP gains and item rarity. While you can technically accumulate Corruption in normal Monolith runs, there’s a hard cap of 50 stacks. In Empowered Monoliths, however, Corruption starts at 100 and can scale indefinitely.

Corruption builds up passively as you clear Echoes, with the amount increasing the farther you are from the center. Be wary, though, as pushing your Monolith run to extreme levels of Corruption may render enemies invincible. But fear not, for you have an escape route. By clearing the Sanctuary of Eterra node or defeating the Shade of Orobyss boss, you can decrease your timeline’s Corruption stacks.

Are you ready to embrace the darkness and battle against the tide of Corruption?

And there you have it, brave adventurers! The Monolith of Fate awaits, offering a thrilling and rewarding endgame experience in Last Epoch. Unlock timelines, clear Echoes, and conquer bosses as you delve deeper into the web of time. Amass stability, acquire blessings, and face the ultimate challenge in Empowered Monoliths. Remember, the further you go, the greater the risks and rewards!

Now, it’s your turn to embark on this time-bending journey. Share your experiences, favorite timelines, and epic loot with us in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow gamers, because the Monolith of Fate is not to be missed!

📚 Reference List:

🎮 GameTrailers:

  1. Last Epoch Monolith of Fate Quest Dialogue With Forgotten Knight
  2. Last Epoch End Of Time Monolith Of Fate Map
  3. Last Epoch Fall Of The Outcasts Stability Bar
  4. Last Epoch Mage Fighting Undead Dragon Boss
  5. Last Epoch Choose A Blessing Prompt
  6. Last Epoch Empowered Monolith Difficulty Selection
  7. Last Epoch Gaze Of Orobyss Notification

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💬 최종 부분까지 왔네요! 우리와 함께 생각과 경험을 공유해 보세요! Last Epoch의 운명의 돌을 정복했나요? 에픽한 전리품을 입수했나요? 아래 댓글에서 토론해 봅시다. 이 기사에 좋아요를 눌러주시고, 소셜 미디어에서 함께 하는 동료 게이머들과 공유하지 않을래요! 행복한 게임 하십시오! 🎮🔥
