Tekken 8의 독점 러쉬다운 캐릭터, 샤힌

텍폰 8에서 샤힌과 함께하는 근접전 플레이의 기술을 교육받으세요! 이 팁들로!


테켄 8 샤힌 가이드

No matter what your preference is regarding character aesthetics or playstyle, Tekken 8’s monstrous 32-character roster will have someone for you, even if you have to use its excellent Character Customization to tweak them to your liking. Whether you’re a grappler fan or a rushdown brawler, your bases are covered within this sea of eclectic and fantastic fighters.

And, if it’s a rushdown close-quarters combatant you’re looking for, then Shaheen is worthy of becoming your main choice, as they are dominant in ways very few characters are in Tekken 8, and does it with nothing but style. While not the most straightforward character to pick up, he will undoubtedly keep you engaged as you learn and experiment with new routes and options! 🎮💪

샤힌 개요 📜

When it comes to a rushdown character in Tekken 8, Shaheen may offer the most unique and varied attacks of the bunch, enabling him to apply suffocating amounts of pressure onto his opposition with ease while also maintaining a relatively high skill ceiling that encourages further exploration and risk-taking that can pay off with some of the most rewarding wins in the game.

That said, while Shaheen isn’t overly complicated or complex, he isn’t what we’d consider easy either. He is by far the easiest character with a slide move in the game, but his Stealth Step Stance and other bizarre moves can make him a bit harder to learn or pick up and play. Despite this, we strongly recommend giving him a shot, as he is superbly fun and exhilarating when he gets cooking.

He also has a gimmick where some of his actions target his opposition’s ‘White Health,’ completely eliminating it from their Health Gauge in a similar way every character’s Rage Art does, making him useful against characters such as Jun Kazama who utilizes White Health as a core mechanic and strategy of her offense! 🔥🤜

샤힌 중요 기술 🥊

Prior to jumping into his combos, we would like to touch upon his Move List just a bit more, highlighting his more crucial options, as they will be what gets his offense blazing. Shaheen can be nearly impossible to stop once he gets going, and the moves shown below are just a taste of why that’s the case!

Shaheen을 위한 중요한 기술:

  • Altair: u/f 4 – 중앙 공격/런처
  • Porrima Blinding Sands: 2, 3 D/F – 상단 공격/콤보 시작기
  • Hunting Falcon Dive: fF 3 – 중앙 공격/슬로우/토네이도 공격
  • Snake’s Bite > Rising Scimitar: d/b 3, 4 – 하단, 상단 공격/토네이도 공격
  • Hallux Kick > Algenib: 4, 1 – 상단 공격 (카운터 히트시 발사)
  • Elnath: b 3+4 – 상단 공격/파워 크러쉬/히트 엔게이저 (들어오는 중앙/상단 공격을 흡수)
  • Stealth Step: d/f 3+4 – Shaheen이 스텔스 스탭 동작으로 들어갑니다

As shown in the table, Shaheen has many powerful moves that enable him to get in on his opponent and begin his onslaught, ultimately leading to a devastating combo. However, he has many more moves than what’s shown here, and we cannot urge you enough to take a look at his full Move List to get a better and more solid grasp on his general gameplay! 🤜🔥📜

Shaheen 콤보 💥

Speaking of landing devastating combos with Shaheen, it’s finally time we dive into some of his most damaging ones that highlight his unique playstyle and fast-paced nature. While he still has many more combos and routes out there, these will be an excellent start to showcase his capabilities.

The sections below will outline Standard and Counter Hit Combos for Shaheen while also diving into his Wall Carry options and a devastating combo that deals tons of damage thanks to the incorporation of his Heat and Rage abilities!

Shaheen 표준 콤보:

  • u/f 4 > 3 D/F > (During Stealth Step) d/b (Instant While Standing) 1 > 4, 1 > f 2, 3 > ff > (While Crouched) d/f 2 > ff 3
  • u/f 4 > 3 D/F > (During Stealth Step) 2 > d/f 4, 1 D/F > (During Stealth Step) 1, 2 > ff > d/b 2, D/F > (During Stealth Step) 3
  • 2, 3 D/F > (During Stealth Step) 2 > d/f 4, 1 D/F > (During Stealth Step) d/f 1, 2 > ff > fF 3
  • fF 3 > ff > d 2 > d/b 2, D/F > 1 > d/f 4, 1 > D/F 3
  • 2, 3 D/F > (During Stealth Step) 2 > d/f 4, 1 D/F > (During Stealth Step) D/B ★ 3, 3 > ff > D/B > (While Crouching) d/f 2 > fF 3


Shaheen Counter Hit Combos:

  • 4, 1 > 3 D/F > (During Stealth Step) D/B ★ 1 > d/b 2, D/F > D/B ★ 3, 3 > ff > D/B > (While Crouched) d/f 2 > fF 3
  • d/b 3, 4 > ff > d 2 > d/b 2, D/F > 1 > d/f 4, 1, D/F 3
  • d/f 4, 1 > ff > ★ 3, D/F 2 > d/f 4, 1 D/F > D/B ★ 3, 3 > ff > D/B > (While Crouched) d/f 2 > fF 3

Shaheen Wall Carry Combos:

  • u/f 4 > 3, D/F 2 > d/f 4, 1 D/F > d/f 1, 2 > ff > d/b 3, 4 (Wall Splat) > ff > d/f 4, 1, 3
  • d/f 2 > 3, D/F 2 > d/b 2, D/F > 1 > d/b 2, 1 (Wall Splat) > ff > d/b 3, 4 > d/f 1 > b 4
  • b 4 (Counter Hit) > d 2 > 3 D/F > D/B ★ 1 > d/b 2, 1 (Wall Splat) > d/f 3+4 > 1+2 (Floor Blast) > D u 2 > d/f 4, 1, 3

Shaheen Heat And Rage Combos:

  • b 3 (Counter Hit) > d/b 2, 1 (Wall Break) > d/f 4, 1 D/F > D/B ★ 1 > d/b 2, D/F > 1 > d/b 2, 1 (Wall Splat) > fff 2 (Wall Break) > D u 2 > d/b 2, 1 F > d/f 3+4, 2 (Wall Splat) > ff > d/f 4, 1, 3 (Wall Break) > d/f 1+2

Shaheen Tips And Tricks 🎩

Moving onto our last section of this guide, we have a few more tips and tricks to offer you that will help you get a better understanding of Shaheen’s overall playstyle and strategy, enabling you to get much more out of him during combat.

As mentioned earlier, Shaheen has several moves that allow him to completely extinguish his opponent’s recoverable health (AKA: White Health), making him a formidable opponent, to say the least. These actions are his f, b 2 is one such move, same with just pressing b 2. Additionally, during his Stealth Step Stance, pressing d/f 1, 2 will also net the same results.

Not only that, but Shaheen is also the only character in Tekken to have a charge input, which can be devious if used correctly. To utilize this, simply hold D, then quickly input u 2. This move is exceptionally powerful and can even be used when sidestepping to the right and holding the input!

Now you have all the tools in your arsenal to dominate the competition with Shaheen. Go out there and show your opponents that you are a force to be reckoned with! 💪🔥


💡 Q&A:

Q: Shaheen의 백스토리와 캐릭터 발전에 대해 더 자세한 내용을 제공할 수 있나요?

A: Shaheen은 Tekken 시리즈의 신입자로, 처음으로 Tekken 7에 소개되었습니다. 그는 세계 석유 공급에 잠재적인 위협을 조사하고 방지하기 위해 대회에 참가하는 숙련된 사우디 아라비아 석유 터크인입니다. 진지한 풍모를 가졌음에도 불구하고, Shaheen은 화려한 격투 스타일과 매력적인 성격으로 플레이어들 사이에서 빠르게 사랑을 받는 팬 최애 캐릭터입니다. 테켄 시리즈에서 그의 이야기와 발전에 대해 더 알아보려면 이 링크를 방문하세요 (일본어).

Q: Shaheen을 사용할 때 특정 매치업에 대해 인식해야 할 사항이 있나요?

A: Shaheen이 강력한 캐릭터일지라도, 플레이어들이 명심해야 할 특정 매치업이 있습니다. 강력한 장거리 공격과 쎄개게임 전략을 가진 캐릭터들은 Shaheen에게 도전이 될 수 있으며, 그의 돌진 스타일은 방어적인 상대에 대항하기 어려울 수 있습니다. Kazuya Mishima와 Alisa Bosconovitch와 같은 캐릭터들은 Shaheen에게 어려움을 줄 수 있습니다. 그러나 연습과 적응력을 통해, Shaheen 사용자는 여전히 성과를 거둘 수 있습니다. 어떤 매치업에 대비하기 위해 전체 로스터의 강점과 약점을 공부하는 것이 항상 중요합니다!

참고 자료:

  1. Tekken 8 – Unlocking Tekken Ball Mini Game
  2. Shaheen – Tekken 공식 웹사이트 (일본어)
  3. Tekken 8 – 최신 캐릭터 커스터마이제이션 옵션
  4. Jun Kazama – Tekken 위키
  5. Tekken 8 – 공식 트레일러 (동영상 제공 시 삽입)

우리와 소통하세요! Tekken 8에서 Shaheen으로 플레이해 본 적이 있나요? 아래 댓글에 여러분의 즐겨 사용하는 결합키나 가장 기억에 남는 순간을 공유해 주세요. 그리고 이 안내서를 유용하게 여기셨다면, 친구들과 SNS에서 공유하는 것을 잊지 말고. 함께 Tekken 8에 대한 사랑을 퍼뜨려 봅시다! 🎮❤️😄
