Pieces of 8 in Skull and Bones 어떻게 얻고 어디서 사용할까요?

가치 있는 물건을 얻기 위한 Skull and Bones의 통화 'Pieces of 8' 얻는 법 배우기


Skull and Bones Acquiring Pieces of Eight

🔥Ahoy, fellow pirates! Are you ready to sail the treacherous seas of Skull and Bones? While it’s undoubtedly a thrilling and immersive game, there’s one thing that every pirate worth their salt should know: Pieces of 8. These valuable coins can unlock a treasure trove of exclusive items, cosmetics, blueprints, and resources. So, grab your compass and let’s delve into the world of Pieces of 8!

How to Get Pieces of 8 in Skull and Bones

🌊Pieces of 8 are as rare as a mermaid sighting, but fear not, me hearties! There’s a secret organization known as The Helm that can reward you with these precious coins. To embark on this swashbuckling journey, you’ll need to complete special contracts. But hold your cutlass, there’s a catch! You must first finish John Scurlock’s “Unsettling Grip” quest and earn enough Infamy in Skull and Bones to receive a letter from Sainte-Anne.

📜Once you have that letter in your possession, it’s time to head to Le Pont Muet and have a little chat with Yanita, the bartender. She’s the gatekeeper to The Helm and its Black Market smuggling business. Yanita will regale you with tales of their illicit activities, specializing in smuggling goods like rum and opium.

📦To earn those Pieces of 8, you’ll need to gather materials such as sugarcane and poppy seeds and refine them into Helm Wares. You can snag a Supply Order from the Order Registry at the back of the bar to kick off your contract called “Taking the Helm.” This will send you on a voyage to collect unique resources and deliver them to The Helm.

⚓️But, beware! The high seas are not a welcome place for a smuggler. Enemy NPCs known as Rouges will target and attack you as you traverse the waters. It’s a battle of wits and weapons, but if you can defend yourself and successfully deliver the supplies, those Pieces of 8 will be yours!

Where to Spend Pieces of 8

💰Now that you’ve amassed a bounty of Pieces of 8, it’s time to splurge! Yanita will grant you access to the Black Market inside The Helm. This clandestine marketplace is a treasure trove of unique items, from resource packs and specialized cannons and armor to ship and character cosmetics. And listen closely, me mateys, you can even get your hands on rare blueprints!

⚡️As you climb the ranks to become the fiercest Pirate Kingpin, managing a smuggling business will become your second nature. But for now, enjoy the spoils of your hard-earned Pieces of 8 and show the world who the true ruler of the high seas is!

🎮Want to know more about the exciting world of Skull and Bones? Check out these other ⚓️links⚓️ that dive deeper into the game:

  1. Silver is the most common currency in Skull and Bones
  2. How to earn enough Infamy in Skull and Bones
  3. Smuggling goods like rum and opium in Skull and Bones
  4. Enemies known as Rouges in Skull and Bones
  5. Ship and character cosmetics in Skull and Bones

🛠️Video: Skull and Bones – Pieces of 8 Guide

Skull and Bones - Pieces of 8 Guide


🖼️이미지: Yanita, The Helm – A Tight Ship

Skull and Bones Yanita The Helm A Tight Ship

⚓️그러니까, 나의 해적 친구들아, 무엇을 기다리고 있니? 상륙하여 Pieces of 8를 찾아라. Skull and Bones에서 가장 두려운 해적 대부가 되어라! 만약 이 기사를 즐겼다면, 함께 모험을 공유해 주기를 잊지 말자. 신속하고 안전한 바람을 느끼며, 동료들아! 🏴‍☠️
