Alan Wake 2 속도러가 시간을 희생하여 상징적인 뮤지컬을 연기합니다

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Speedrunner sacrifices time to perform musical number from Alan Wake 2 during run.

Speedrunners are known for their relentless pursuit of shaving off precious seconds in games by skipping cutscenes and entire levels. However, one record chaser in the Alan Wake 2 community made a surprising choice that left everyone in awe. Instead of skipping the now-iconic musical number in the game, she decided to let the scene play out and even joined in the performance herself!

The musical number in Alan Wake 2 is a delightful departure from the game’s overall oppressive atmosphere. It’s a classic song and dance section that has become so memorable that the game’s creative director even performed it on stage at the Game Awards. The famed composer of Final Fantasy 14 also recently expressed admiration for this show-stopping moment.

During her speedrun of this metafictional horror game, the Twitch streamer known as Tainted Tali made a bold decision. She not only allowed the musical number to unfold but also stood up on stream to perform the entire routine with a crew of backup dancers. This unconventional move added a significant amount of time to her run, but she felt it was worth it to truly showcase the game’s charm and creativity.

Link to the mesmerizing performance:

“It’s definitely on the longer side, and there’s a lot of waiting,” Tainted Tali admitted in response to a viewer’s question on social media. “But I love the game so much that it doesn’t really bother me.” Her sentiment resonates with many fans who also adored Alan Wake 2. In our own review, we awarded the game a perfect five-star rating, praising its exceptional qualities. We also wrote about how the game flawlessly executed the concept of dual protagonists in our article on the topic.

But the surprises don’t end there. Alan Wake 2 has more in store for its dedicated fanbase with two upcoming expansions that will tease future games in the Remedy Connected Universe. Furthermore, the game has achieved significant commercial success, becoming the fastest-selling title in the history of its studio. This success has had a positive impact on the development of Control 2 and the highly anticipated remakes of the beloved Max Payne series.

For more information on Alan Wake 2, check out these links:

  1. Alan Wake 2 Review
  2. How to Do Dual Protagonists Right in Games
  3. Teasing Future Games in the Remedy Connected Universe
  4. Success of Alan Wake 2 Boosts Development of Control 2 and Max Payne Remakes

Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About Alan Wake 2

Q: What makes the musical number in Alan Wake 2 so special? A: The musical number is a refreshing break from the game’s typically dark atmosphere, injecting a lively and memorable moment that showcases the game’s creativity.

Q: Why did Tainted Tali decide to perform the musical number in her speedrun? A: Tainted Tali wanted to highlight the game’s charm and showcase it in a unique way, even if it meant sacrificing time in her speedrun.

Q: How successful is Alan Wake 2? A: Alan Wake 2 has achieved great success, becoming the studio’s fastest-selling game to date and propelling the development of other projects like Control 2 and the Max Payne remakes.

Q: What’s next for Alan Wake 2? A: The game has two expansions planned, which will provide exciting hints about future games in the interconnected Remedy universe.

Now it’s your turn to experience the magic of Alan Wake 2 and decide whether you’d sacrifice precious time for a song and dance routine. Let us know your thoughts and don’t forget to share this article with your fellow gamers! 🎶🎮😄


[이미지 크레딧: 이미지 설명]

참고 목록: – Alan Wake 2 ReviewHow to Do Dual Protagonists Right in GamesTeasing Future Games in the Remedy Connected UniverseSuccess of Alan Wake 2 Boosts Development of Control 2 and Max Payne Remakes