Skull And Bones 실버 코인 벌어들이는 TOP 6 방법

만일 당신이 스컬 앤 보너스에서 상당한 양의 실버를 얻고 싶다면, 이 쉽게 따라할 수 있는 팁과 요령을 활용할 수 있습니다.

💰 How to Get Rich in Skull And Bones 💰

When you think about playing a pirate game like Skull And Bones, one of the first thoughts is of becoming as rich as possible. Be it money from stealing, plundering, or trading, getting a ton of Silver is one of the main goals you’ll have in this game. As soon as you start browsing various shops in the game, you’ll realize that not even a needle moves without Silver. You’ll have to pay this to both acquire blueprints and get the respective items made, so here are some of the best ways to rack up on it.

🗺️ Main Story And Side Quests 🗺️

While playing Skull And Bones, you have to follow the main story until you get to Sainte-Anne and get your first ship. However, after you get the ship, the choice is yours if you want to explore the map or continue the missions. However, if you want to get a good supply of Silver in the early game, continuing these missions is your best bet.

This is because you won’t be able to make use of most of the other methods mentioned here until you upgrade a little and get higher levels on the ship. Both main and side missions can be seen with distinct icons on the map, and you can see the silver reward you’ll get by finishing it.

⚓ Plundering Ships And Settlements ⚓

You can take part in ship combat as soon as you get your first ship, but make sure the target ship is either the same level or lower before attacking. While traversing the waters, you’ll commonly pass various ships from different factions. Scouting these ships with a spyglass lets you know how much Silver you’ll get after sinking them.

Be mindful though, every ship and tower from the faction will start attacking you for a bit if you attack their ship. If you’re still at a low level, it’s recommended to not attack any ship if there are multiple ships or towers present from that faction. After getting level four or higher, you can also take part in plundering various settlements across the map.

It’s recommended to call for help before you start plundering a settlement since it’s much easier with other players. Once you start plundering, you’ll constantly have to battle faction ships and towers nearby. The level and strength of reinforcements depend on the number of hostility symbols you have from the faction (seen on the top right side of the screen).

🏴‍☠️ Doing Shipwreck Rounds 🏴‍☠️

While looking at the map of Skull And Bones, you can zoom in all the way to find various items on the shores including shipwrecks. These are scattered all around the map and they stay at the same location. Once you get close to a shipwreck, you can force it open using the right Crowbar and get a bunch of goodies including Silver.

The amount of items you get depends on how well you perform in the minigame. Moreover, some Shipwrecks require higher-tier Crowbars, and you’ll have to craft them before you can break them open. The best part about this method is that you don’t specifically have to look for them since you can just get them on your way of doing something else.

💎 Commodity Sale 💎

Talking about methods that you can use to get Silver without paying specific attention to them, Commodities are one of the main sources of Silver both early and late game. You can get different commodities whenever you sink a ship, finish a quest, plunder a settlement, or scavenge from a shipwreck. When you look at your cargo, you’ll be able to see commodities written under certain items.

These items aren’t generally used for crafting, and you can freely sell them to the merchants willing to pay a high price for them. The best place to sell these commodities is the Commodity Traders found in every outpost. Depending on the owner faction of the outpost, certain commodities might give you higher value while others give you low value.

🔱 Bounty Quests And Job Board 🔱

Once you get even further into the game and reach ship level six or above, you can start taking part in the high-tier jobs from the Job Board or Bounty Quest. Both of these are opened for you quite early, but most of the tasks in them require you to be high-level. Keep in mind that you have a time limit for finishing these tasks as well.


직업 게시판에는 밀수 또는 거래를 포함한 다양한 종류의 일자리가 있고, 바운티 퀘스트는 특정 선장을 찾아야 하며 물리쳐야 합니다. 바운티 선장들은 일반적으로 동일 레벨의 다른 선박들과 비교할 때 높은 체력과 피해를 가지고 있습니다. 이 전투에 돌입하기 전에 포탄과 음식을 충분히 챙길 것을 확실히 해보세요.

⚔️ Cutthroat Cargo Event ⚔️

이미 알고 있을 수도 있지만, Skull And Bones에서 PvP는 선택사항입니다. 위험한 물길을 가로질러 다른 플레이어의 선박을 공격할 수는 있지만 그들에게 피해를 입힐 수는 없습니다. 그러나 Cutthroat Cargo라는 이벤트가 있어 PvP를 활성화할 수 있습니다. 이 모드에서 주어진 시간 내에 특정 위치에서 전설적 보물지도를 찾아야 합니다.

지도를 획득한 후, 다른 플레이어들을 피하면서 해당 전초기지로 이동하고 보물을 발굴할 수 있습니다. 이 이벤트를 성공적으로 완료하면 단번에 9,000실버 이상을 얻을 수 있으며 희귀 아이템 가득한 보상도 받을 수 있습니다.

🎮 관련 링크 🎮:

이제 Skull And Bones에서 엄청난 부를 얻는 방법을 알게 되었으니, 해로운 바다를 정복하기 위해 항해할 시간입니다! 기억하세요, 운명은 대담한 자를 선호하지만 함선 한 척 정도를 가라앉힐 수 있는 자를 또한 선호합니다. 그러니 해적 장비를 착용하고 선원들을 모아 빛나는 바다에서 재산을 쌓기 위해 준비하세요!

이 가이드가 도움이 되었으면, 주변 해적 친구들과 소셜 미디어에서 공유하기를 부끄러워하지 마세요. 그리고 궁금한 점이 있거나 자신만의 팁과 노하우를 공유하고 싶다면 댓글을 남겨주세요! Arrr! ⚓🏴‍☠️
