머니폴리 GO 은하 모험 함께한 우주 여행! 🚀

본 안내서에는 몬폴리 GO의 글럭틱 어드벤처 이벤트에 대한 포괄적인 정보가 포함되어 있으며 보상과 이벤트의 달성도에 대해 담겨있습니다.


Monopoly GO Galactic Rewards

Get ready for another out-of-the-world adventure. Monopoly GO has just unveiled its latest event called Galactic Adventures. It has replaced the Moon Walkers event, and promises even more excitement and greater rewards for players. With a duration of two days, it offers players an excellent opportunity to earn money. Below is a detailed overview of all the rewards and milestones for the Galactic Adventures event in Monopoly GO.

Monopoly GO Galactic Adventures Rewards and Milestones 🏆🌟

Milestones Points Required Rewards
1 5 Cash Prize
2 5 Three Pickaxe Tokens
3 10 One-Star Sticker Pack
4 75 125 Free Dice Rolls
5 15 Cash Prize
6 15 Rent Frenzy for 15 Minutes
7 20 Three Pickaxe Tokens
8 25 Cash Prize
9 150 230 Free Dice Rolls
10 30 Four Pickaxe Tokens
11 35 One-Star Sticker Pack
12 40 Cash Prize
13 45 Five Pickaxe Tokens
14 400 550 Free Dice Rolls
15 45 Two-Star Sticker Pack
16 50 Cash Grab for 10 Minutes
17 60 Six Pickaxe Tokens
18 70 Cash Prize
19 825 950 Free Dice Rolls
20 75 Eight Pickaxe Tokens
21 70 Three-Star Sticker Pack
22 80 90 Free Dice Rolls
23 85 10 Pickaxe Tokens
24 900 1100 Free Dice Rolls
25 90 High Roller for 10 Minutes
26 100 12 Pickaxe Tokens
27 120 Four-Star Sticker Pack
28 130 13 Pickaxe Tokens
29 800 Cash Prize
30 140 150 Free Dice Rolls
31 145 Cash Prize
32 150 15 Pickaxe Tokens
33 175 Four-Star Sticker Pack
34 1800 1800 Free Dice Rolls
35 250 Cash Prize
36 300 Rent Frenzy for 25 Minutes
37 450 Cash Prize
38 600 Five-Star Sticker Pack
39 4000 3800 Free Dice Rolls
40 700 30 Pickaxe Tokens
41 800 Cash Prize
42 900 800 Free Dice Rolls
43 3000 Cash Prize
44 1100 45 Pickaxe Tokens
45 1200 Five-Star Sticker Pack
46 1300 Cash Prize
47 6,500 6,500 Free Dice Rolls


🌟 Remember, the rewards and milestones listed above are just the tip of the cosmic iceberg. So, gear up and prepare for an interstellar expedition to claim these fantastic rewards! 🚀

How to Earn Points in the Galactic Adventures Event 🎲

During the Galactic Adventures event, tycoons will have to get pickups from the board to score points. Each pickup you collect will grant you two points. 🚀✨ Like other Monopoly GO events, Galactic Adventures also allows you to use multipliers to earn more points. There are 16,095 free dice rolls in total, along with different sticker packs and Pickaxe tokens for the Galactic Treasures mini-game. Remember, the Galactic Adventures lasts only two days, so make sure to jump in quickly if you want to get its rewards. 🎉

Monopoly GO

자주 묻는 질문 (FAQs) 🤔❓

Q: Are there any tips to maximize my points during the Galactic Adventures event?

A: Absolutely! One of the best ways to earn more points is by strategically planning your moves on the board. Try to aim for high-value pickups and utilize the multipliers to boost your score. Additionally, keep an eye out for special events and mini-games that can offer additional opportunities for earning points.

Q: What happens if I miss out on the Galactic Adventures event? Can I still earn the rewards?

A: Unfortunately, once the Galactic Adventures event ends, you won’t be able to earn the rewards associated with it. However, Monopoly GO frequently introduces new events, so there will always be more opportunities to win exciting prizes. Stay tuned and don’t miss out on future events!

Q: How can I increase my chances of getting high-value pickups during the event?

A: To increase your chances of getting high-value pickups, make sure to strategize your moves and plan your routes accordingly. Utilize power-ups and boosters wisely and try to grab pickups that offer more points. Remember, every point counts on your cosmic journey!

Q: Are there any other upcoming events in Monopoly GO that I should look forward to?

A: Absolutely! Monopoly GO is known for its thrilling events and exciting surprises. Keep an eye on their official social media channels and website to stay updated about upcoming events, new features, and fantastic rewards. Prepare yourself for even more incredible adventures in the world of Monopoly GO!

🌟 몬폴리 GO 은하 모험에 참여하고 우주의 행운을 찾아보세요! 🌟

이 우주 모험을 놓치지 마세요! 몬폴리 GO 의하 모험에 참여하고 스릴 넘치는 보상과 천문학적인 재미가 가득한 여정을 떠나세요! 친구들을 모아 주사위를 굴려 보고, 내부 타이쿤을 발휘하세요. 🚀🌌 그리고 우주의 기쁨을 전달하기 위해 소셜 미디어에서 친구들과 성취와 경험을 공유하는 것을 잊지 마세요!

참고 목록:

  1. 문 워커스 이벤트
  2. 원 스타 스티커 팩
  3. 16,095 무료 주사위 굴림

참고: 이 기사에서 제공된 정보는 게임 및 이벤트의 현재 상태를 기반으로 합니다. 업데이트 또는 변경 사항에 대해는 공식 몬폴리 GO 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오.
