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Jokers in Balatro: Breaking the Game with Strategic Abilities

Jokers are the heart and soul of Balatro, the deck-builder game that takes inspiration from traditional poker but adds its own unique twists. These game-changing cards introduce passive abilities to your deck, and if used strategically, they can completely break the game. We’ll dive into the world of Jokers in Balatro, exploring their abilities, how to find them, and how they can enhance your gameplay.

🔥 Finding the Hidden Jokers: Unleashing Unique Strategies

Getting your hands on the elusive Jokers in Balatro is no easy task. Some are more hidden than others, requiring significant effort to uncover. For example, you might need to find every Planet card in the game or earn 100 million Chips in one run. But the effort is well worth it because these Jokers unlock unique strategies that boost your scoring hands and add bonus Chips to your stash.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most powerful Jokers and how they can enhance your gameplay experience.

🎯 10 Shortcut: Bridging the Gap for Epic Straights

The Shortcut Joker

The Shortcut Joker is a true game-changer. It allows you to make straights with gaps of just one rank, defying the rules of traditional card games. With the Shortcut in your team, scoring a straight becomes much easier, almost by a whopping 1000%. It perfectly complements the Runner Joker, which rewards you with more Chips for every straight, and the Smeared Joker, which turns most straights into straight flushes.

🎭 9 Pareidolia: All Cards Wear the Face Card Mask

Balatro Joker Pareidolia

Pareidolia might not seem very powerful on its own, but when combined with the right combination of Jokers, it unlocks a world of unique strategies. With Pareidolia, all cards in your deck are considered face cards, even though they don’t count as the same rank. This strategy pairs incredibly well with Jokers like Sock and Buskin or Scary Face, which activate when a face card is played. You’ll be able to earn bonus Chips, Mult, or other valuable rewards with every card played.

⛰️ 8 Hiker: Scaling the Mountain of Bonuses

The Hiker Joker

The Hiker Joker is the ultimate deck booster. It rewards you with a +4 Chips bonus for every card you score, gradually increasing the strength of your deck. This bonus can stack up, meaning a single card can gain +8, +12, +16, and so on. It’s a fantastic Joker for runs focused on playing five cards per hand since the more cards you play, the faster your deck levels up. Consider slimming down your deck to the essentials and cloning boosted cards to maximize its effectiveness.

🌌 7 Ancient Joker: Unleashing the Power of Suits

Ancient Joker from Balatro

The Ancient Joker is a powerful card that adds a x1.5 Mult bonus to every card belonging to a specific suit. However, its true potential is somewhat hindered by the fact that the suit receiving the bonus changes at the end of each round. It’s still a great fit for runs focused on playing common hands, especially when paired with cards like Splash and the Smeared Joker. These cards become the perfect allies to make the Ancient Joker shine.


🧬 6 DNA: Cloning Your Way to Victory

DNA Joker from Balatro

The DNA Joker is a bit of a gamble but can prove to be a powerful asset. When the first hand played in a round is a 1, the DNA Joker clones it and adds it to your hand. This Joker can turn a deck with just one or two improved cards into a Mult ace haven. It’s also crucial for achieving the elusive Five of a Kind Flush, a secret hand that requires careful manipulation of your deck. Make sure to accompany the DNA Joker with Death and Hanged Man Tarots to increase predictability and maximize its effectiveness.

🌈 5 Smeared Joker: The Merge of Power and Debuffs

Smeared Joker from Balatro

The Smeared Joker serves a specific purpose but excels at it. It merges the red and black suits together, allowing you to switch from a Flush to more advanced hands like the Full House Flush or Four of a Kind Flush. However, be aware that this merger applies to both enhancements and debuffs. Debuffs from blinds like the Club, Goad, Window, and Head will affect two suits at once. Embrace high-scoring hands that counterbalance the debuffs, ensuring you have enough firepower to defeat the boss blind.

🤡 4 Chicot: Boss Blinds Be Gone!

Chicot Joker from Balatro

Boss blinds can be the bane of a player’s existence, often leading to run-ending bad luck. The Chicot Joker swoops in to save the day and disable the effects of any boss blind. By sacrificing one Joker, you can ensure that devastating blinds like The Needle or The Arm are nothing more than a distant memory. While other options like the Director’s Cut voucher or the Luchador Joker exist, none can compete with the power and effectiveness of the Chicot Joker.

🃏 3 Half Joker: Mult Magic in Small Packages

Half Joker from Balatro

Among the best Mult-scorers in Balatro, the Half Joker thrives on simplicity. If you play a hand with a maximum of three cards, you gain a +20 Mult bonus. This Joker pairs exceptionally well with a Three of a Kind strategy, especially when combined with Jokers like Jolly, Sly, Zany, or Wily for added firepower. Keep in mind that using the Half Joker means forfeiting the higher point values that hands with more cards typically offer. Nevertheless, it’s a powerful tool for boosting your scoring potential.

💦 2 Splash: Every Card Counts!

Splash Joker from Balatro

The Splash Joker is a versatile alternative to the Half Joker, especially for low-ranking poker hand runs. It allows every played card to count towards scoring, even if the hand doesn’t meet the usual requirements. This opens up possibilities for a High Card strategy and turns previously mediocre hands into decent ones. Additionally, Splash resists blinds such as The Psychic, which requires every hand to consist of five cards, making it an effective and charming choice for many situations.

✨ 1 Supernova: Harnessing the Power of Repetition

Supernova Joker from Balatro


The Supernova Joker is a must-have for runs focused on smaller poker hands. It adds the number of times a poker hand has been played to your Mult, amplifying its power with each play. What sets Supernova apart is that it doesn’t need to have been in your deck from the beginning to reach peak effectiveness. Whether you’re aiming for pairs or optimizing your Straight or Flush run, Supernova will contribute to your success right from the moment you acquire it.

🎮 더 알아보기

To learn more about Balatro and explore different strategies and card combinations, check out these valuable resources:

  1. Balatro 덱 빌더 가이드: Balatro의 복잡한 메카닉을 마스터하는 포괄적인 가이드입니다.

  2. Balatro에서 조커 조합 마스터하기: 시너지를 활용하여 조커의 전체 잠재력을 발휘하세요.

  3. 큰 승리를 위한 Balatro 전략: 전문가 전략과 팁으로 Balatro 우주를 지배하세요.

  4. Balatro에서 레벨 업하는 10가지 팁: 경험이 풍부한 플레이어들의 상위 10가지 팁으로 Balatro 기술을 향상시키세요.

  5. Balatro 커뮤니티 포럼: 전략을 논의하고 경험을 공유하며 게임의 새로운 비밀을 발견하는 Balatro 팬들과 함께하세요.

👉 당신의 Balatro 성과를 공유하세요!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our deep dive into the fascinating world of Jokers in Balatro. Now it’s your turn to discover new strategies, uncover hidden Jokers, and share your breakthrough moments. Have you found a powerful Joker combination? What’s your favorite Joker in Balatro? Let us know in the comments below and share your Balatro experiences on social media using the hashtag #BalatroJokers. Keep breaking the game, gamers! 🎮✌️
