왕국의 눈물의 숨 막히는 아름다움 젤다의 전설의 멋진 장소 탐험

최상의 경치를 즐기기 위해서, 플레이어들은 제플다 왕국의 멋진 장소들을 천천히 탐험하며 살펴보는 것이 좋습니다.


Top 10 Stunning Locations in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda franchise has always been known for its immersive and vibrant game worlds, and the latest installment, Tears of the Kingdom, is no exception. With a larger and more detailed setting than ever before, the game showcases a diverse range of locations, both familiar and new, within the Kingdom of Hyrule. From soaring mountains to tranquil villages, players are in for a visual treat as they explore this enchanting world.

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most breathtaking locations in Tears of the Kingdom and uncover the hidden secrets they hold. So grab your sword and shield, and let’s embark on this epic journey through Hyrule!

10. Sturnida Hot Springs: A Healing Spring With Some Hidden Mysteries

Zelda Most Beautiful Locations Sturnida Hot Springs

Located near the Sturnida Basin and Biron Snowshelf, the Sturnida Hot Springs are more than just a place to unwind. As players take on the Treasure of Secret Springs side quest, they’ll discover the Vah Medoh Divine Helm, one of the game’s four powerful divine helms. But that’s not all—the hot springs are also home to a complex cave system filled with mysterious mushrooms.

While the region may not be heavily populated, its awe-inspiring views and scenery make it a must-visit destination for travelers exploring the Northern regions of the map.

Death Mountain in Breath of the Wild

Standing as a testament to the impermanence of all things, Death Mountain is a colossal landmark that overlooks the entirety of Hyrule. This iconic location has made appearances in almost every Legend of Zelda game, and it continues to be a defining landmark in Tears of the Kingdom.

While the mountain no longer requires players to have heat resistance, molten lava still flows from its summit, accompanied by billowing smoke. Fans of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will feel a sense of familiarity as Death Mountain played a significant role in the game’s main story.

8. Seres Scablands: A Beautiful Location With Unique Forestry

Zelda Totk Seres Scablands

Nestled between Tanagar Canyon and the Bridge of Demise in Hyrule Ridge, the Seres Scablands offer a unique and otherworldly aesthetic. The region is home to strangely shaped trees reminiscent of Yemen’s Dracaena Cinnabari, creating a visually stunning landscape.

Despite its distinctive appearance, the Seres Scablands are teeming with life, housing a wide variety of creatures and resources. Whether exploring on foot or gliding through the air, this area promises to captivate players with its ethereal beauty.

7. Lurelin Village: A Tranquil Waterside Town With a Tropical Vibe

Zelda Totk Lurelin Village

Escape the chaos of the world and find solace in Lurelin Village, a peaceful coastal town on the border of Faron and Necluda. Surrounded by mountains and adorned with wooden houses beneath swaying palm trees, the village exudes a relaxed and tropical atmosphere.


Primarily a fishing village, Lurelin is bustling with activity and offers numerous fishing and boat-related items. Explorers will also encounter a variety of interactive characters, including the wise village elder Rozel, who can guide you to nearby points of interest.

6. Dueling Peaks: An Iconic Landmark With Some Interesting Lore

Zelda Totk Duelling Peaks

Inspired by the mythical Symplegades, the Dueling Peaks stand majestically as if locked in eternal combat. These massive megaliths have become one of Hyrule’s central monuments, intriguing players with their intriguing lore.

Legends surrounding the Dueling Peaks range from them being split by the elemental dragon Farosh to theories involving other dragons. Regardless of their origin, one thing is certain—they offer a breathtaking sight that is not to be missed.

5. Hyrule Castle: The Centerpoint of the Kingdom of Hyrule

Zelda Totk Hyrule Castle

As the seat of power within the kingdom, Hyrule Castle is a magnificent citadel that showcases the grandeur of the Royal Family. Its stunning masonry and regal ambiance make it an imperial masterpiece, drawing players to explore its grounds and take in the surrounding beauty.

Located in the heart of Hyrule, the castle provides a safe haven for those seeking refuge from their adventures, allowing them to admire the scenic views that encompass this extraordinary location.

4. Hebra Mountains: This Icy Snowscape Houses Many Treasures

Zelda Totk Hebra Mountains

While the Hebra Mountains may pose challenges with their harsh and frigid climate, the rewards they offer are worth the effort. Home to Rito Village—a crucial location for completing the Regional Phenomena quest line—the region is replete with hidden treasures and thrilling side quests.

However, adventurers should come prepared with the appropriate gear to withstand the freezing temperatures and fend off dangerous enemies dwelling in this icy snowscape.

3. Korok Forest: Home of the Koroks and Many Other Species

Zelda TotkKorok Forest

Nested within the Great Hyrule Forest, the Korok Forest is a dense and verdant jungle teeming with biodiversity. This enchanting region is not only a haven for numerous creatures and plants but also serves as the home of the mischievous Koroks.

Apart from its natural beauty, the Korok Forest harbors some of the finest weapons and bows that Link can obtain throughout his journey. The lush canopies and branches create a serene atmosphere, making it a must-visit location for any adventurer.

2. Satori Groves: A Tranquil Respite From The Troubles of the Kingdom

Zelda Totk Satori Mountain

Located on the Eastern face of Satori Mountain, the Satori Groves offer a serene escape from the hardships of the kingdom. Players can witness the setting sun amid a small grove of Apple Trees, providing a tranquil spectacle that replenishes their spirits.


완전히 진정한 분위기를 제공하는 것 외에도, Pinegrove에는 가치 있는 조리 재료와 Satori Lord를 소환할 수 있는 기회가 있습니다. 이 산악의 군림자는 플레이어에게 중요한 정보를 제공하고 그의 갑옷을 얻을 수 있도록 돕습니다. 이 안전한 피난처는 지친 여행자들이 위안을 찾을 수 있는 희귀한 안식처로 기능합니다.

1. Great Sky Island: This Incredible Viewpoint Features in the Game’s Main Story

Zelda Totk Great Sky Island

새로운 높이로 솟아오르고, Great Sky Island의 경이로운 아름다움을 목도하는 것을 경험해보세요. 이 놀라운 전망대는 게임의 주요 스토리에 중추적인 위치를 차지하며, 플레이어들에게 Hyrule과 주변 하늘 섬을 훑어보는 기회를 제공합니다.

처음에는 튜토리얼 영역으로 사용되었지만, Great Sky Island은 Tears of the Kingdom에서 가장 시각적으로 뛰어난 장소 중 하나로, 발견을 기다리고 있는 비밀과 보물을 보관하고 있습니다. Constructs가 가꾸는 건축물의 경이로움과 정교한 정원을 놀라보십시오. 그리고 섬의 북쪽에 자리 잡은 시간의 사원을 방문하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

더 많은 젤다 경이를 발견하십시오

Tears of the Kingdom의 숨막히는 풍광을 횡단하면서 이 놀라운 장소들을 주목해야 합니다. 각 장소는 숨겨진 보물을 찾거나 흥미로운 캐릭터를 만나거나 단순히 Hyrule의 아름다움에 몰두하는 독특한 경험을 제공합니다.

Tears of the Kingdom의 세계로 더 깊이 파고들고 게임의 매혹적인 비밀과 게임 플레이 메커니즘에 대해 더 알고 싶다면 다음 링크를 확인해보세요:

  1. 젤다의 전설 공식 웹사이트
  2. 티어즈 오브 더 킹덤 공식 트레일러
  3. 히룰 탐험: 궁극의 여행 안내서
  4. 티어즈 오브 더 킹덤 전투 가이드 마스터
  5. 티어즈 오브 더 킹덤의 이야기를 풀다

당신의 모험을 공유하세요!

Tears of the Kingdom의 멋진 장소를 탐험할 기회가 있었나요? 여러분의 가장 좋아하는 장소는 무엇인가요? 아래 댓글에서 제게 알려주세요! 그리고 이 잊을 수 없는 목적지에 대해 여러분의 친구들과 모험가 친구들에게 알리기 위해 이 기사를 여러분의 좋아하는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에 공유하는 것을 잊지 마세요.

즐거운 게임, 지기들! 여러분의 여정이 경이롭고 흥미로움으로 가득하길 바랍니다! 🎮✨
