방패사냥꾼을 갑옷 입은 늑대로 극복하는 방법

마인크래프트 플레이어는 강력한 몹과 함께 갇혀있는 사방으로 약탈된 패왕을 물리치기 위해 필요한 갑판 늑대의 수를 결정합니다.


Minecraft player finds out how many wolves can defeat a warden.

A Minecraft player has made an astonishing discovery! They have found a way to reliably defeat Wardens in Minecraft without ever having to attack the formidable creatures themselves. How is this possible, you ask? Well, it turns out that employing the help of Armored Wolves is the key to victory!

The Mighty Warden

For those who may be unfamiliar, Wardens are one of the strongest mobs in Minecraft. They possess immense power and can both deal and withstand massive amounts of damage. These fearsome creatures were introduced to the game with the 1.19 update, and they typically spawn in the Ancient City. Wardens are summoned by a Sculk Shrieker, which is triggered when players make noise or disrupt the environment near Sculk Sensors.

What sets the Warden apart from other mobs in Minecraft is that it is completely blind. However, don’t let this fool you! The Warden can detect a player’s movements based on the noise they make, making it a formidable opponent. That being said, there are tricks that players can use to their advantage, such as masking their noises with Wool or distracting the Warden with Snowballs.

A Clever Strategy

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter. One resourceful Minecraft player, Reddit user BrunoGoldbergFerro, recently shared a clip showcasing their genius strategy for defeating Wardens. In the video, 19 Armored Wolves are trapped with a Warden in a small enclosed area. This experiment was likely conducted in Creative mode, as there are no Sculk Sensors or Shriekers present.

The video starts with the Wolves on one side of a dirt line and the Warden on the other. The player unpauses the game, and the Wolves immediately charge towards the Warden. They manage to inflict small bits of damage, but one by one, the Wolves start to fall. However, since the Warden can only focus on one Wolf at a time, the accumulated damage gradually overwhelms it, leading to its ultimate demise.

The brilliance of this strategy lies in the fact that the Wolves can sustain four melee attacks from the Warden before perishing. With the Warden’s attention divided among multiple targets, the Wolves’ collective damage output outweighs their losses, eventually resulting in victory. In the video, only one Armored Wolf survives, indicating that the player would likely need 18 additional Wolves or other supportive measures to defeat the boss entirely.

How to Enhance Your Strategy

While this discovery offers a fascinating glimpse into alternative tactics for battling the Warden, it’s essential to note that the Armored Wolf Armor showcased in the video hasn’t been added to the live version of Minecraft yet. However, Snapshot players have the opportunity to test new features and provide feedback for future updates. Therefore, it’s possible that Mojang may introduce an alternative allied mob or additional supportive items to make the fight against the Warden more accessible.

In the meantime, if you’re eager to try out this strategy or experiment with other ways to defeat Wardens, Snapshot mode is your best bet. Keep an eye out for updates from Mojang and the Minecraft community, as they continue to innovate and improve gameplay experiences.

🎮 Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Can I implement this strategy in Survival mode?

A: Unfortunately, as of now, Armored Wolves and the associated armor are not available in the live version of Minecraft. However, Snapshot players can test new features and provide valuable feedback for future updates. Keep an eye on Mojang’s announcements for potential additions that could enhance your chance of defeating Wardens.

Q: Are there any other effective strategies for battling Wardens?

A: Absolutely! Minecraft is a game that encourages creativity and resourcefulness. While the Armored Wolf strategy is inventive and entertaining, you can explore various other approaches. For example, mastering sneaking techniques, utilizing environmental distractions, or devising elaborate traps can all be effective ways to outsmart the Warden. Remember, experimentation is the key to finding your perfect strategy!

Q: Can I defeat a Warden alone without any supportive mobs or items?

A: The Warden is an incredibly tough opponent, but with the right equipment and skill, defeating it alone is possible. However, be prepared for a challenging battle, as the Warden can deal devastating damage. Make sure to arm yourself with powerful weapons, protective armor, and a good supply of healing items. Plan your attacks carefully, dodge its lethal blows, and strike when the opportunity arises. Just remember to stay on your toes, or should we say, paws, as the Warden is always listening!


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1. 마인크래프트 공식 웹사이트 2. 마인크래프트 위키 – 워던 3. 마인크래프트 스냅샷 릴리스 4. 모장 트위터 5. r/마인크래프트 서브레딧