포트나이트의 제로 빌드 모드에서의 예상치 못한 건설 능력

포트나이트 플레이어들은 신화의 판도라의 상자가 열렸음에 따라 예상하지 못한 변화가 벌어져 제로 빌드 게임 모드에 혼란스러워졌습니다.


Fortnite’s Pandora’s Box alters Zero Build Mode significantly.

If there’s one thing that sets Fortnite apart from other Battle Royale games, it’s the ability to build. It’s a unique gameplay mechanic that has captured the interest of players all over the world. However, not everyone enjoys this aspect of the game, and Epic Games has listened to their feedback.

Recently, a surprising development occurred in the Fortnite community. Players managed to open Pandora’s Box in-game, and this unlocked the ability to build in the Zero Build game mode. Yes, you read that right. Zero Build mode now allows players to construct structures, all thanks to Pandora’s Box!

📷 Image: Pandora’s Box in Fortnite

Initially, Epic Games introduced a limited-time Battle Royale mode without building, and it was a massive success. So much so, that they decided to permanently add Zero Build mode to Fortnite. This decision delighted many fans, especially those who were turned off by the increasing skill gap in the game. Players who hadn’t played in months came back to try out Zero Build and found themselves sticking around exclusively for this mode.

But how did players manage to unleash the power of building in Zero Build mode? Well, it all started with a live event on March 3. A colossal Titan Hand rose out of the ground, holding chains wrapped around Pandora’s Box. The Fortnite community banded together to break the chains, causing Pandora’s Box to fall to the ground. And when it happened, a fiery vortex emerged from the box, soaring into the skies.

📷 Video: Breaking the Chains: Pandora’s Box Event

Intrigued by this spectacle, players decided to test their luck and jumped into the Pandora’s Box vortex. To their surprise, they found themselves able to harvest materials by defeating Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and looting their bodies. These materials, in turn, allowed them to build structures.

📷 Image: Zero Build mode in action

So, if you want to experience the joy of building in Zero Build mode, here’s a quick guide:

How to Build in Zero Build Mode

  1. Jump into the vortex emanating from Pandora’s Box.
  2. Eliminate NPCs to collect materials.
  3. Build to your heart’s content!

It’s important to note that this unexpected ability to build in Zero Build mode might not be intentional. According to the ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s Box, when Pandora opened it, she unleashed all the evils of the world. However, she also released hope. Building being enabled in Zero Build mode could be seen as a parallel to the evils mentioned in the myth. Or, it could simply be a glitch caused by the box breaking open.

🤔 Q&A: Frequently Asked Questions about Building in Zero Build Mode

Q: How long will the Zero Build mode be available? A: As with any glitches that occur in Fortnite, Epic Games will try to resolve them as quickly as possible. Zero Build mode might become temporarily unavailable while they work on fixing the error.

Q: Can I still play Fortnite without building? A: Absolutely! Fortnite offers various game modes, including the traditional Battle Royale mode where building is a key element. If you prefer a building-free experience, you can still enjoy other game modes or play Zero Build mode until it’s available.

Q: Are there any other unexpected surprises or new features coming to Fortnite? A: Fortnite is known for its constant updates and surprises. Keep an eye out for news from Epic Games regarding upcoming events, gameplay changes, and exciting additions to the game.

🔗 Reference List:

  1. Ancient Greek Myth of Pandora’s Box
  2. Breaking the Chains: Pandora’s Box Event
  3. Epic Games – Fortnite Official Website
  4. Glitches in Fortnite: The Good, the Bad, and the Funny
  5. Bethesda Games: 6 Funniest Glitches Ranked


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