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Game of Thrones Spinoff Timeline A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms


Game of Thrones captured the hearts of millions with its immersive worldbuilding and compelling storytelling. From the intricate politics to the sprawling geography of Westeros, the series took us on a wild journey. But there’s more to this franchise than its original run. HBO has exciting plans for spin-offs that delve into new characters, events, and historical periods. One such spin-off, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, is set to start filming this spring, drawing from a wealth of source material.


After the disappointing final seasons of Game of Thrones, fans were hungry for a return to Westeros. There was trepidation, though, as the audience expected the worst. But when House of the Dragon premiered and brought back the joy and excitement of Game of Thrones’ earlier seasons, fans knew they were in for something special. While Game of Thrones may never reach the peak it once had, its new normal could still offer years of excellent storytelling.

What is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms about?


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a collection of three novellas that were originally released in different anthologies during the 90s and 2000s. The 2015 edition includes illustrations and additional details, making it a must-have for fans of the series. The stories follow the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and Aegon V Targaryen, the future King of Westeros. These two traveling heroes, lovingly nicknamed Dunk and Egg, capture the imagination as they embark on thrilling quests. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms covers the first three stories, but there is potential for more tales to come.


The three stories included in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms are:

  1. “The Hedge Knight”: In this gripping tale, Dunk, a young squire to a traveling Hedge Knight, finds himself entangled in a tourney and forms an unlikely friendship with a bald boy nicknamed Egg. Together, they navigate perilous situations, save lives, and ultimately face a high-stakes duel that will determine their fate.

  2. “The Sworn Sword”: Dunk and Egg swear allegiance to an elderly knight and find themselves embroiled in a conflict over dams and scarce water resources. As the tension escalates, Dunk must race against time to find a solution that averts a catastrophic battle.

  3. “The Mystery Knight”: Dunk and Egg stumble upon a group of eccentric travelers who invite them to a feast. In a daring move, Dunk takes part in a tournament while disguised and uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the stability of the realm. This story ends with a tantalizing cliffhanger, leaving readers hungry for more of Dunk and Egg’s adventures.

When does A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms take place?


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is set between House of the Dragon and the events of Game of Thrones. “The Hedge Knight” kicks off in 209 AC, while “The Mystery Knight” picks up in 212 AC. To provide some perspective, the first book of the series, A Game of Thrones, covers the timeline of 297-299 AC. This means that ninety years before Jon Arryn’s death and the subsequent appointment of Ned Stark as Hand of the King, Dunk and Egg embarked on their epic quest. The First Blackfyre Rebellion, a pivotal historical event that shaped Westeros, serves as the backdrop for these stories. For fans who crave a deeper understanding of the rebellions, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms promises to shed light on this gripping chapter in the realm’s history.

HBO’s Planned Knight of the Seven Kingdoms series


The exciting news for Game of Thrones enthusiasts is that A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will be adapted into a gripping TV series. George R. R. Martin, the mastermind behind this elaborate world, is deeply involved in the project. Writing for the series started in early 2023, but unfortunately, production faced delays due to the Writer’s Strike. While HBO hasn’t announced an official release date, it’s safe to assume that the series is at least a year away. The plan is to adapt “The Hedge Knight” into the first season and gauge the audience’s response before continuing with the subsequent stories. And fear not, devoted fans, because George R. R. Martin has expressed his intention to write more tales featuring Dunk and Egg. The future looks bright for this captivating duo.



A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will offer a refreshing change of pace for Game of Thrones fans. While the original show and House of the Dragon were known for their dark and often melancholic tones, “The Hedge Knight” harkens back to old-fashioned fantasy filled with wonder and adventure. This spin-off promises a new horizon, reinvigorating our love for the beloved world of Westeros.


질문 및 답변 내용

Q: 덩크와 에그 소설은 몇 개인가요?

A: 세 개의 덩크와 에그 소설을 다룬 ‘세 왕국의 기사’가 있습니다. 하지만 조지 R. R. 마틴은 이러한 사랑받는 캐릭터들을 다루는 더 많은 이야기가 준비 중이라는 언급을 했습니다.

Q: 세븐 킹덤의 기사는 제1차 블랙파이어 반란을 탐구할까요?

A: 예, 제1차 블랙파이어 반란의 사건들이 세븐 킹덤의 기사의 배경으로 제공됩니다. 팬들은 웨스테로스 역사의 이 중요한 시기를 형성하게 한 복잡성과 갈등을 파헤쳐볼 수 있을 것입니다.

Q: 세븐 킹덤의 기사를 ‘왕좌의 게임’과 ‘드래곤의 집’과 구별 짓는 것은 무엇인가요?

A: 원작 시리즈와 ‘드래곤의 집’이 더 어두운 주제를 가졌다면, ‘세븐 킹덤의 기사’는 조금 더 밝고 모험적인 분위기를 제공합니다. 이는 게임 오브 스로즈 우주에 새로운 기운을 불어넣어 팬들이 웨스테로스의 다른 측면을 경험할 수 있도록 합니다.


참고문헌 목록

  1. 게임 오브 스로즈
  2. 드래곤의 집
  3. 조지 R. R. 마틴
  4. 할로 나이트 실크송 기대
  5. 반란의 측면
  6. 존 아린의 죽음


당신의 흥분을 공유하세요!

덩크와 에그의 세계로 다이빙할 준비가 되셨나요? 당신의 생각을 공유하고 ‘세븐 킹덤의 기사’에 대한 기대를 알려주세요! 그리고 소셜 미디어에서 이 소식을 퍼뜨려주는 것을 잊지 마세요. 모험이 여러분을 기다립니다!

본 기사는 원본 기사에 TheGamingExtraordinaire.com에서 원래 발표되었습니다.-원문 링크.
