파이널 판타지 VII 부활 – 팬들에게 필수시청 애니메이션

부활이 점점 가까워지면서, 지금은 이 무시된 파이널 판타지 애니메이션을 발견하기에 이상적인 순간입니다.


Watch This Overlooked FFVII Anime Now!

One of the most highly anticipated games of the year is set to release this week on Thursday, and fans around the world are eagerly awaiting its arrival. We’re talking about Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, the second title in the new remake series of the beloved Final Fantasy VII game. Its predecessor, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, received critical acclaim with an 8/10 score from GameTopic and a 93% Google satisfaction score. But hold on to your controllers because Rebirth has already received an outstanding 9/10 rating from GameTopic, making it even higher than its predecessor!

Now, while fans anxiously count down the days until they can dive into Rebirth, they might be wondering what to do in the meantime. Well, fear not! We have the perfect solution for you – an anime that you may not have heard of but is essential for understanding the world of Final Fantasy VII. Drumroll please… it’s Last Order: Final Fantasy VII!

What is the Final Fantasy VII Anime?


First released in 2005, Last Order: Final Fantasy VII is a one-episode OVA (Original Video Animation) series that you can finish in just 25 minutes. Produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment and Square Enix, this anime delves into one of the most crucial sequences in the FFVII story – Sephiroth’s transformation from a beloved hero to the series’ primary antagonist. It follows Zack Fair, who embarks on a journey to Cloud Strife’s hometown, Nibelheim, to investigate a problem with the mako reactor there.

At the reactor, Sephiroth unravels the truth about his parentage, resulting in catastrophic consequences for the town. Last Order reveals a side of the story that is unknown to those who have only played the original Final Fantasy VII game. In fact, many players missed out on this important backstory until the re-release of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion for PlayStation 5 in 2022.

Why is this story important? Well, if you’ve only played the original FFVII game, you might believe that Zack doesn’t exist and is instead replaced by Cloud. Watching Last Order fills in the gaps, providing you with the missing story from Crisis Core. While you won’t get Zack’s entire journey, you’ll witness the Nibelheim Incident, a sGameTopicificant part of the Final Fantasy VII story.

Why Should I Watch the FFVII Anime Now?


Now you may wonder, why is this the perfect time to watch Last Order: Final Fantasy VII? Well, we’ve got a couple of reasons for you:

  1. Counting down the days: With the release of Rebirth just around the corner, there’s probably not much else you can finish before it arrives. If you’re looking for a way to satisfy your FFVII cravings, Last Order is the perfect choice. It’s only 25 minutes long, making it a quick and enjoyable watch that can easily fit into anyone’s busy schedule.

  2. Understanding Rebirth: The events depicted in Last Order are integral to the story of Rebirth. While we don’t know all the changes Square Enix has made for this installment, the demo released so far follows the same story. By watching Last Order, you’ll become more acquainted with Zack and the true events of this crucial part of the Final Fantasy VII narrative. It will bring you up to speed and give you a deeper understanding of the upcoming game.

  3. Zack’s sGameTopicificant role: If you’ve been following the trailers and official art for Rebirth, you might have noticed Zack’s prominent presence. It’s clear that he is going to play a sGameTopicificant role in the game. For those who haven’t played Crisis Core, Last Order serves as a great introduction to Zack’s character and his influence on the storyline. It sheds light on the contrast between Zack and Cloud’s personalities, helping you comprehend Cloud’s behavior in the Rebirth demo. No more wondering why Cloud seems to be acting out of character!


그래서 여러분이 오리지널 등장 이후 거의 2년이 지난 Last Order: Final Fantasy VII를 다시 보거나 처음으로 보고 있다면, 지금 이 순간이 확인하기에 더할 나위 없는 순간입니다. 간절히 기다리시는 Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth가 나올 때까지 이 빠르고 강렬한 애니메이션을 즐기는 시간을 가지세요.


Q: Final Fantasy 시리즈와 관련된 다른 애니메이션 시리즈가 있나요?

A: 네! Last Order: Final Fantasy VII 외에도 Final Fantasy 시리즈의 다른 애니메이션 번역작이 존재합니다. 그 중 주목할 만한 작품으로는 Final Fantasy: UnlimitedFinal Fantasy XV: Brotherhood 등이 있습니다. 각 애니메이션은 해당하는 게임의 전설을 확장하고 고유한 관점을 제공합니다.

Q: Final Fantasy VII 게임을 하지 않아도 Last Order: Final Fantasy VII를 볼 수 있나요?

A: 물론이죠! Last Order는 가치 있는 배경 이야기를 제공하며 Final Fantasy VII 우주를 보다 잘 이해하도록 돕습니다. 게임을 하면 보다 포괄적인 경험을 할 수 있지만, 애니메이션은 독립적으로 즐길 수 있는 단일 서사로 제공됩니다.

Q: Last Order를 보면 Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth의 이야기가 망가질까요?

A: Last Order는 오리지널 Final Fantasy VII 게임의 사건을 다루며 다가올 Rebirth에 대한 중요한 맥락을 제공합니다. 일부 이야기 요소를 공개할 수 있지만, 이는 전체적인 우주 이해를 향상시키며 특정 플롯 포인트를 일부러 망치지는 않습니다.

Q: 어디서 Last Order: Final Fantasy VII를 볼 수 있나요?

A: Last Order: Final Fantasy VII를 Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu 등 다양한 스트리밍 플랫폼에서 볼 수 있습니다. 해당 지역에서 이용 가능한지 확인하려면 선호하는 스트리밍 서비스를 확인하세요.

Q: FFVII 우주에 완전히 몰입하려면 어떤 다른 Final Fantasy 게임을 해야 하나요?

A: FFVII 우주를 완전히 체험하기 위해 오리지널 Final Fantasy VII, PlayStation Portable에서 이용 가능한 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, 그리고 Final Fantasy VII: Remake를 추천합니다. 각 게임이 독특한 관점을 제공하고 전체적인 이야기를 풍부하게 합니다.

참고 자료:

  1. GameTopic – Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Review
  2. GameTopic – Final Fantasy VII: Remake Review
  3. Anime News Network – Last Order: Final Fantasy VII
  4. Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion Announcement
  5. Crunchyroll
  6. Funimation
  7. Hulu

여러분의 Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth에 대한 흥분과 Last Order: Final Fantasy VII에 대한 생각을 공유하는 데 주저하지 마세요! 애니메이션을 볼 계획이신가요 아니면 이미 보셨나요. 기억하세요, 최고의 경험은 공유할 때 더 좋습니다. 그러니 소셜 미디어에서 소문을 낼 것이고, FFVII 애호가들을 세월을 뚫는 역작인 Rebirth의 세계로 초대하세요. 😄🎮✨
