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Battlefield: Returning to 64-Player Matches and the Potential Benefits

Image: Battlefield gameplay

The next installment of the Battlefield franchise has been a topic of discussion among gamers, especially considering the somewhat damaging reputation of Battlefield 2042. While the game has made progress in recent months, the pressure is on for the next project to get things back on track.

Among the rumors circulating about the upcoming Battlefield game, one particularly interesting speculation suggests a return to the basics for multiplayer mode. Instead of the 128-player matches introduced in Battlefield 2042, the next game may opt for traditional 64-player matches.

Battlefield Returning to 64-Player Matches Could Fix a Lot of Problems

A recent report by Insider Gaming has provided some insight into the next Battlefield project, hinting at a modern setting between 2025 and 2030. The focus will be on traditional Battlefield franchise elements, such as the classic four-class system and smaller lobbies.

This move seems wise on DICE’s part, as Battlefield 2042 faced criticism for its bold changes to the multiplayer experience. While the increase in player count initially excited fans, it negatively impacted the maps and pacing of engagements in the game.

Returning to 64-player matches would recapture the familiar feel of the franchise, which was sorely lacking in Battlefield 2042. Smaller maps would allow for greater attention to detail and a higher quantity of maps overall. Additionally, reintroducing more obvious routes and combat hot-points would enhance the gameplay experience.

While the current reports point towards 64-player matches in the next Battlefield game, it’s worth noting that this could change leading up to the game’s release.

Levolution Could Return in Full Force with a 64-Player Battlefield

The shift back to 64-player matches also has the potential to revive the beloved levolution mechanic. Levolution refers to Battlefield’s enormous environmental destruction sequences that players can trigger to transform the map. Unfortunately, the scale of the locations in Battlefield 2042 hindered the effective use of levolution. By returning to smaller maps, DICE could reintroduce more focused and noticeable levolution events, satisfying players who missed these dynamic moments.

Besides addressing key gameplay aspects, reverting to 64-player matches would have positive impacts in less pressing areas. Improved matchmaking times and higher server counts are just a couple of examples of the benefits this change could bring. Overall, a return to traditional gameplay, along with more memorable maps and set pieces, would be a win-win situation for both DICE and the playerbase.

Q&A: What Else Can We Expect from the Next Battlefield Game?

Q: Will the next Battlefield game feature a single-player campaign?

While many gamers are eager for information about multiplayer, there’s also curiosity about the single-player experience. Unfortunately, specific details about a potential single-player campaign in the next Battlefield game are scarce at the moment. Fans will have to wait for more updates from DICE and keep an eye on future announcements.

Q: Are there any plans for cross-platform play in the next Battlefield game?

Cross-platform play has become increasingly popular in the gaming industry, and players are eager to know if Battlefield will embrace this trend. While there hasn’t been an official confirmation regarding cross-platform play in the next game, it’s a possibility worth considering. DICE and the development team may evaluate the demand from players and the technical feasibility of implementing cross-platform functionality.

Q: Will player feedback from Battlefield 2042 influence the development of the next game?

Player feedback has always been crucial in shaping the future of game franchises. Over the years, developers have listened to the community to refine their games and deliver experiences that align with player expectations. Given the mixed reception of Battlefield 2042, it’s safe to assume that the feedback from players will play an influential role in the development of the next Battlefield game. DICE will likely take into account the criticisms, suggestions, and desires expressed by the playerbase.



이미지: Battlefield 2042 커버 아트워크

이제 이 정보를 갖고 우리의 병력을 모아 다음 Battlefield 게임에서 64명 플레이어 대전이 가능할 수도 있다는 소식을 전하고자 합니다. 다른 게이머들에게 무엇을 기대해야 하는지 알려주고, 부활된 Battlefield 경험에 대한 흥분을 불러일으켜 보세요! 🎮💥

주요 이미지 출처: Unsplash