헬다이버스 2의 오토마톤 탱크 격파하기 승리를 위한 안내

깊이 있는 가이드를 사용하여 헬다이버즈 2의 오토마톤 탱크를 손쉽게 정복하라


Helldivers 2 Defeating Automaton Tanks

The road to freedom is paved with plenty of struggles, and for the citizens of Super Earth, that means taking up arms as Helldivers and delivering the fist of democracy to the bugs and robots that dare to darken humanity’s doorstep. While it may be easier to squish the Terminids, the Automatons of Helldivers 2 are a different proposition altogether.

Understanding the Automaton Threat

From being adept at ranged combat to bringing the hurt up close, there are a variety of ways in which the Automatons can hurt players on the battlefield. And it is not always easy to eliminate them, especially when there is thick armor protecting their weak points from conventional firearms. For those struggling to bring down the Automaton tanks in Helldivers 2, this guide will provide a helping hand and hopefully turn the tide.

Join Forces for Victory

As with most obstacles standing in the way of democracy, it is always recommended that players team up with others in order to have an easier time. After all, when the enemy is being distracted, it is much easier to maneuver to a better position to take advantage of their weaknesses. Nevertheless, there are still some important strategies to keep in mind when battling the Automaton tanks.

These enemies come in two variants, either the Shredder or the Annihilator, both equally dangerous and never to be taken lightly when they are encountered out in the wild. As expected, these are heavily armored foes, and your primary and secondary weapons are unlikely to cause a dent in their health.

Beating Automaton Tanks in Helldivers 2

Weaponry and Stratagems to Overcome the Odds

Instead, it is highly recommended that players pack some key support weapons and Stratagems when there are going to be Automaton tanks rolling about. For the former, the Autocannon and Expendable Anti-Tank are good tools to have, especially if you can hit the Shredder tank’s weak point straight on. The Spear and the Railgun are also good late-game weapons to have. As for Stratagems, consider the various Orbital Strikes or Eagle Strikes that target a singular enemy for sustained damage. Dropping down Rocket Sentries or Autocannon Sentries can also soften up the tanks further and possibly eliminate them.

All of these methods will help to get rid of your tank problem, but the caveat is that you will likely need a distraction or be able to escape attention for a while to prepare for such a battle.

Q&A: Addressing Additional Concerns

Q: Are there any other weaknesses of Automaton tanks, aside from their weak points?

A: While their weak points are the primary areas to focus on, Automaton tanks can also be temporarily disabled through the use of Stratagems such as the Stasis Field Generator or the Shock Mines.

A: If you find yourself without the optimal tools, don’t fret! Team up with other Helldivers and coordinate your attacks. A well-executed plan and good communication can often overcome any disadvantage.

Q: Can I hijack or control an Automaton tank?

A: Unfortunately, these tanks are fully automated and cannot be hijacked or controlled by players. Your best bet is to focus on destroying them to neutralize the threat they pose.

Q: Are there any specific strategies for taking down the Annihilator tank?

A: The Annihilator tank is a formidable opponent, but its weaknesses are similar to the Shredder tank. Focus on its weak points and utilize powerful weapons and Stratagems to deal maximum damage.


Q: Can I use environmental hazards to my advantage when facing Automaton tanks?

A: Absolutely! Environmental hazards such as collapsing structures or explosive barrels can be used strategically to damage or destroy Automaton tanks. Be creative and look for opportunities to turn the battlefield into your advantage.


적절한 전략과 화력을 갖춘 경우, Helldivers 2의 Automaton 탱크를 물리칠 수 있습니다. 헬 다이버스(Helldivers) 동료와 힘센 무기 및 전술을 장착하고 이 강력한 적들의 약점을 이용하세요. 승리는 손에 닿았으니 나아가서 민주주의의 주먹을 전해 주세요!

참고 목록:

  1. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Sets to Return in Another Team Ninja Series
  2. Helldivers 2에서 최고의 지원 무기
  3. Helldivers 2에서 최고의 전술
  4. Helldivers 전투 습득 안내서
  5. Helldivers 2 공식 웹사이트

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