싸움꾼 vs. 나이팅게일 두 가지 서사 주도 생존 게임 이야기

Enshrouded(온실)와 Nightingale(나이팅게일)은 둘 다 생존 게임이지만, 그들은 장르와 전통적인 메커니즘에 대한 접근 방식에서 다소 차이가 있습니다.


Enshrouded and Nightingale – Two Sides of the Same Coin

2024 is shaping up to be a big year for survival games, with Palworld and Enshrouded already making waves in the industry. Now, Inflexion Games has joined the fray with their fantasy survival game set in the Victorian era, Nightingale. While all three games offer unique experiences, Nightingale differentiates itself with its approach to gameplay. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between Nightingale and Enshrouded, two lore-driven survival games with distinct approaches.

Enshrouded Leans More Heavily Into RPG Mechanics Than Nightingale

Enshrouded takes a slightly different path compared to traditional survival games. While it features base building, crafting, and exploration, some argue that it leans more towards an action RPG rather than a survival game. Unlike most survival games, Enshrouded doesn’t focus on mechanics like hunger and thirst. Instead, it places a greater emphasis on RPG elements and combat mechanics.

In the world of Embervale, players assume the role of Flameborn, individuals with an “inner Flame” that allows them to survive a poisonous fog known as “the Shroud” for a short period. Inside the Shroud, players face more challenging enemies and have the opportunity to obtain better rewards. To tackle these demanding combat and exploration mechanics, Enshrouded offers twelve different classes, each with their own set of unique skills and passive bonuses. This emphasis on RPG elements sets Enshrouded apart from Nightingale and other survival games.

Nightingale, More “Survival” Than Enshrouded with a Focus on Exploration

Nightingale stands out with its unique approach to exploration. Players can create one-of-a-kind procedurally generated “realms” using Realm Cards. These cards combine various modifiers, such as biome and danger level, to craft an entirely new realm for players to explore. While Enshrouded does reward players for exploration, Nightingale’s gameplay revolves around moving from one realm to the next. Even the story itself constantly pushes players to the next realm, encouraging a dynamic and ever-changing adventure. This exploration-centric gameplay makes Nightingale a more casual experience compared to Enshrouded.

However, don’t mistake Nightingale for an easy ride. It still maintains the core survival aspects of the genre. Players must keep a careful eye on their hunger levels and ensure their character remains rested to preserve valuable stamina. The game throws harsh hail storms at players, damaging them and leaving them “wet,” which reduces stamina. These challenges add a level of depth and intensity to the survival elements in Nightingale.

Q&A: Addressing Readers’ Burning Questions

Q: What sets Nightingale apart from other survival games?

A: Nightingale’s unique focus on exploration, with its procedurally generated realms and Realm Cards, sets it apart from other survival games. It offers a fresh and dynamic experience for players who enjoy discovering new environments.

Q: Is Enshrouded more of an action RPG than a survival game?

A: Yes, Enshrouded leans more heavily into RPG and combat mechanics rather than traditional survival mechanics like hunger and thirst. It provides players with twelve different classes and a skill system that enhances the combat and exploration aspects of the game.

Q: How challenging are the survival mechanics in Nightingale?

A: Nightingale incorporates various survival mechanics, including hunger and rest, to keep players engaged. Additionally, harsh hail storms can damage players and reduce their stamina. Players will need to strategize and manage these mechanics to succeed.

In Conclusion

While both Nightingale and Enshrouded are lore-driven survival games, they exhibit unique approaches to gameplay. Enshrouded leans more heavily into RPG and combat mechanics, offering diverse classes and a skills system that enhances exploration. On the other hand, Nightingale prioritizes exploration through procedurally generated realms, challenging players with survival mechanics like hunger and rest. Both games offer distinct experiences and will likely continue to evolve during their early access periods.

Reference List:

  1. Nightingale – Official Website
  2. Enshrouded – Official Website
  3. Palworld – Official Website
  4. More on Nightingale’s Realm Cards
  5. Exploring Embervale: An In-depth look at Enshrouded’s World


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