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Balatro review – endless poker options

A review of Balatro: The Poker Roguelike

Are you ready for a game that takes poker, throws it into a blender, and serves it with a twist? Well, look no further because Balatro is here to deliver just that. This game is like the Goldberg Variations of Poker, a roguelike deckbuilder that adds a whole new dimension to the classic card game. It starts with the basic poker hands and then lets you level up and customize those hands, while also introducing jokers that modify the game rules in bizarre and hilarious ways. It’s poker, but on steroids! (Or as the solo dev says, it’s Big Two – I’ll take their word for it). Balatro is both expansive and ingeniously simple, making it one of the best poker roguelikes out there.

Key Details

  • Publisher: Playstack
  • Developer: LocalThunk
  • Platform: Available on Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox X/S

The Beauty of Balatro

Over the past few weeks, Balatro has taken the gaming world by storm, and it’s not hard to see why. The concept of a poker roguelike is brilliant in itself, and Balatro executes it flawlessly. The game starts off as a traditional poker experience, where you’re dealt cards and aim to make the best hands possible. But as you progress, things start to get interesting.

Between rounds, you’ll find yourself in the shop – Balatro’s secret sauce. Here, you can spend your winnings on various items that allow you to level up your poker hands. Planet cards, for example, enhance the multipliers and chip values of specific hands. Level up your two pair, and suddenly it becomes a force to be reckoned with. And that’s just the beginning.

Tarot cards add new elements to your deck, introducing unique twists to the game. An ace might come with its own killer multiplier or give you extra chips if you hold onto it and don’t play it. These additions keep the game fresh and strategic.

And let’s not forget about the jokers. These mischievous cards create new rules and stick with you throughout the run. A standard joker might offer a nice multiplier or grant bonuses based on specific cards in your hand. But it’s the slightly weirder jokers that steal the show. They encourage you to take daring risks, keeping the poker spirit alive. They’re like that ace you can’t let go of because it holds a glimmer of greatness, even if it messes up your current hand.

Card Booster Packs: The Real Long-Term Fun

While jokers and tarot cards certainly add excitement to the game, the real marathon fun in Balatro lies in the basic card booster packs available in the shop. These packs not only offer spiffy cards with neat twists but also introduce duplicates into your deck. Suddenly, you find yourself with a deck of 53, 56, or even 60 cards! It’s a wild ride, filled with surprises and unexpected hands that can turn the tide of the game.

The shop becomes a central part of your Balatro experience. It’s where you make crucial choices, plan your run’s trajectory, and embrace the pure joy of deckbuilding. Will you go for a fast-paced run, or will you take your time and savor the journey? The possibilities are endless, much like the variations in Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

But beware, once you leave the comfort of the shop, the game matches your growing power with boss blinds and unique challenges. It’s not just about the multiplying multipliers; it’s about adapting to new circumstances and making the best of every hand you’re dealt.

Balatro: The Struggle Between Neatness and Strangeness

As much as I adore Balatro, there are a few reasons why I feel a certain kind of player might eventually move on. Firstly, as someone who is not mathematically inclined, I sometimes struggle to fully immerse myself in a world of numbers and cause-and-effect. Poker has always been a game that goes way over my head, and while Balatro helps streamline the process, there are still times when I feel like I’m missing an essential piece of the puzzle.


Secondly, Balatro’s ingenious and neat design, although a marvel in itself, can sometimes feel a tad airless. While the game’s mechanics come together flawlessly, there’s a part of me that craves a touch of quirkiness and unpredictability. Games like Cobalt Core, with their unique twists on the deckbuilding genre, capture my attention and keep me coming back for more.

Balatro: For the Love of the Game

Despite my few reservations, Balatro is undeniably a game worth exploring. Its striking and brilliantly constructed world offers hours of pleasure and challenge. Whether you’re a poker pro looking to exact revenge on the game or simply someone seeking a new and exciting experience, Balatro has something for everyone.

So grab your chips, brace yourself for the unexpected, and dive into the world of Balatro. It’s time to put your poker skills to the test in the most exhilarating way possible.


Q: Can I play Balatro on my favorite gaming platform? A: Yes! Balatro is available on Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox X/S.

Q: Does Balatro only focus on poker, or are there other elements to the game? A: Balatro is primarily a poker game, but it adds an exciting roguelike twist to the gameplay. You’ll encounter various cards, jokers, and strategies that enhance and modify the traditional poker experience.

Q: Is Balatro suitable for both experienced poker players and newcomers to the game? A: Absolutely! Balatro offers enough depth and unique mechanics to keep experienced players engaged, while also providing a friendly learning curve for newcomers. It’s the perfect fusion of familiarity and innovation.

Q: Can I customize my deck in Balatro? A: Yes! Balatro allows you to modify your deck by adding new cards, leveling up existing ones, and incorporating jokers that introduce unconventional rules. The possibilities for customization and strategic gameplay are extensive.

Q: Are there any accessibility options in Balatro? A: Balatro offers several accessibility options, including the ability to adjust game speed, change the position of play/discard buttons, disable rumble and adjust screenshake, use high-contrast cards, and reduce bloom and pixel art smoothing.

Reference List

  1. Solo Leveling Episode 1 – Qurz
  2. Mario vs. Donkey Kong Review – Qurz
  3. PC Games – PC
  4. PS4 Games – PS4
  5. PS5 Games – PS5
  6. Xbox One Games – Xbox One
  7. Xbox X/S Games – Xbox X/S

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