스타필드에서 외모를 변경하는 방법’ In this guide, I will show you how to change your appearance in Starfield. Whether you want to create a new character or simply switch up your current look, this guide has got you covered. So let’s jump right into it! Step 1 Access the Character Creation Menu To begin, you need to access the character creation menu. This can usually be done by either starting a new game or accessing the options menu while in-game. Look for the option that says Character Creation or something similar. Step 2 Customize Your Look Once you’re in the character creation menu, it’s time to let your creativity shine. You’ll find various options to customize your appearance, including hairstyle, facial features, and even body type. Play around with these options until you’re satisfied with how your character looks. Step 3 Save Your Changes After you’ve finished customizing your appearance, don’t forget to save your changes. This will ensure that your new look is applied every time you play the game. Look for a Save or Apply button within the character creation menu. Step 4 Enjoy Your New Look Congratulations! You’ve successfully changed your appearance in Starfield. Now you can enjoy the game with a fresh new look. Whether you want to be a rugged space explorer or an elegant intergalactic diplomat, the choice is yours. That’s it for this guide on how to change appearance in Starfield. I hope you found it helpful and entertaining. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and embrace your unique style. Happy gaming!

스타필드에서 Enhance! 상점을 통해 얼굴, 몸과 머리를 변경하세요!

Note To accurately translate the title, it would be helpful to know the specific names of the Warlock Pacts in the game. If you provide them, I can include them in the translation.

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